Who should play the Super Bowl halftime show next year?


  • Ketzali - 3 years ago


  • Ketzali - 3 years ago


  • Me - 5 years ago

    First of all I think BTS should win because they have worked a lot harder than American artists because they can actually dance and they are good at singing they have creativity in their videos that American artists lack and they are very attractive.

    You hate on them just because they are not American because you can’t understand them. SO! T their music sounds very nice and just because you don’t understand does not mean it’s not good. And if you have captions and read it you realize that it’s actually very nice.

    MOST OF THE AMERICAN ARTISTS ARE JELLY because they aren’t as good at dancing, singing, and they aren’t creative.

    BTS’ rappers are actually very good at rapping and they can actually rap fast unlike rappers in American they can’t rap at all because they aren’t tallented enough. they just try to roast people and they aren’t even that good at that. Most rappers can’t even rap like BTS’ rappers because they aren’t tallented enough so they don’t try

    Sing: most singers are good but a lot of them suck as well I’m not going to name any names but you know it’s true. they have four singers and they all have their own ways of singing.

    Don’t hate on our boys and we won’t hate on your American singers so don’t leave rude comments about are artists. Also to the fans of Twenty One Piolets I understand they have worked very hard and I know that and I have been a fan of them for a long time and they are very good so you should know that BTS has worked very hard too.

    Also haters you don’t have to hate on them just because they are Korean people in Korea dont hate on your American artists as much as you hate on BTS so you need to calm yourselves down and grow peace. It’s 2019 so anything could happen so you need to open up and know that it’s a new year and new things need to happen. Also you do not have to call them names just because they are Korean and you can’t understand them.

    ARMY: thank you so much for standing up for BTS and they do love you with all of their hearts!! THANK YOU!!!
    I ???? you BTS and lots do!! So keep working your best and I believe you can take over the world!!btw you really already have!!
    Also the BTS votes are not fake BTS has the biggest fan base so don’t be fake!!

  • Emma - 5 years ago

    Don’t fucking come for my babies cause I like every artist but it’s time to make a change and let Bts perform but y’all let Kanye west racist self come we all shed blood and we’re created by god so don’t be mean

  • Theresa Moutz - 6 years ago

    It's been awhile since we've heard Madonna during half-time and she's still got IT!! I think with maturity and being a humanitarian for what she has done for the children in Malawi her documentation " I am because we are" from 2008 explains the beginning of her journey in Malawi and yet today it is still her life for her children, simply amazing!night! Myself and generations look at and up to her as an inspiration and at 60 yrs old what better gift could she receive than to be invited back to entertain thousands. I have been watching Madonna mature and grow through hard work and dedication to her family both blood and workwise. She is the most beautiful person/ woman inside and out.. and I hope that my push for her to join you at half-time 2019 is an overwhelming decision on your part. Thank you dearly for listening to me and my reasoning for loving this incredible woman and her selfless deeds. Not because I grew up loving her music or thought she was incredibly funny or kind because I did that also!

  • Mikey - 6 years ago

    Ik you guys like bts and all but u gotta think about all the age categories and come on now the super bowl really they’re good and all but I think it’s good that their talents stay at award shows and don’t consume every single thing that makes them popular in America and y’all can bash if u want but ain’t nobody dropping locations so shut it down

  • Tex - 6 years ago

    If the NFL wants to expand its market. Wants to expand its brand. Then they need to invite BTS and have them perform with a mainstream artist.

    The whole world would be watching the Super Bowl.

  • ARMY!!! - 6 years ago

    And don’t forget who won the Top Social Artist this year
    Do you think they won it because another hacking?
    Well, NO
    They won it because ARMY is one of the biggest fandoms in world, admit it or not, we are.
    So GO BTS!!! SHOW OUR POWER ARMY and let’s beat them!!!!!

  • ARMY!!! - 6 years ago

    Hey TØP fans
    Stop your bullshit comments to BTS, this guys have worked really hard to be where they are right now. I just don’t understand why so much hate to them. It’s because they are Korean and not Americans??? It’s because their songs are principally in Korean and not in English?? Or then why the fuck you put this disgusting comments to them?
    Yes I’m ARMY and what is the problem?
    Yes, I like those “ Chinese gay guys that use auto tune”. But let me ask you, how do you know that your favorite artists ARE NOT GAY and they don’t use auto tune???
    Why you judge them without even knowing who they are, all the shitty stuff they have been through and all their hardships??
    Why you can not respect BTS as the good K-pop band they are and their fandom???
    ARMY IS NOT SENDING HATE MESSAGES to all of you guys that deserve them for being this rude with BTS!
    I am not asking to anyone to like them, but to respect them. They are artists too and deserve to be treated well.
    And what about saying that ARMY’s hacking this votation?
    Why do you think BTS can not win to Twenty one pilots by their popularity and really huge and supportive fandom??
    Why don’t you accept that this guys are good too and that’s why they’re winning TØP with more than 30% of votes?
    Because yes, BTS is winning and beating them, WITHOUT ANY HACKING OR ARMY’S HATING OTHER ARTISTS.
    We are a pacific fandom and we are supporting our guys so much.
    So please stop this bullshit and understand that BTS is going to win because THEY ARE GOOD ENOUGH and can be as cool and good as Americans Artists.
    I’m ARMY and I’m proud of it.
    GO ARMY and bye.

  • TWENTY ONE PILOTS IS BEAUTY. - 6 years ago





  • ARMY - 6 years ago

    GO BTS ARMY!! keep voting

  • stayalivetop - 6 years ago

    F*CK BTS!
    I know we shouldnt judge about fan members who wants to see BTS but BTS isn't as good as twenty one pilots so pls many people want to see BTS but we the clique have to see tyler and josh because of they are in hiatus for longer then 200 days an we never heard something about them and i miss them so much. BTS is always here i bet and theymake enough music but the clique NEEEEEEDS twenty one pilots so pls help us

  • Respect all artist - 6 years ago

    I respect every artist liking or disliking them, they all have a heart and all have one thing in common....music, I'm a twenty one pilots fan but I do respect BTS so the clique should respect them too even tho your not a fan but be respectful because not only does it hurt the ARMY it also hurts BTS and this also goes for everyone who be hating on any band because you won't want anyone hating on your favorite artist because they all have feelings. So moral of the story....respect all bands or singers even if you don't like or dislike them

  • Respect all artist - 6 years ago

    Well guess what I do respect BTS but I would of liked tøp to preform at the super bowl but not even BTS is gonna preform today so nobody should be hating on any bands or singers cause they all have one thing in common....music, so even tho you don't like a band or singer, don't hate on them cause you wouldn't like for people to hate on your favorite artist so stop the hate towards all the other artist just because you don't like them as much as your favorite cause that not only hurts the fandom for that artist but also the actual band or singer. So moral of this all is respect any artist no matter if you like or dislike them

  • Yes i’m a ARMY, do you have a problem??? - 6 years ago

    Omg stop hating on BTS yooo, like really americana bands had a lot of chance the past years but one year that BTS it’s getting famous than all the people start getting hate on them but if your bands start to get famous kpop fans don’t say anything, it’s like yoo left BTS alone there just trying to do what they love music, so like stop hating it’s not there fault, and just because i’m mad, just to make you guys mad, BTS it’s going to win the super bowl it’s tomor and BTS it’s wining so like voting it’s just a waste of time

  • smlittle - 6 years ago

    Although BTS will easily win the poll, and they are very talented young men...the overwhelming majority of people who watch the superbowl are just never going to appreciate their talent and they will be ripped to shreds as a result...unfairly so. For the superbowl audience...it's just got to be Twenty One Pilots. I am over 50 years old and my last concert was Twenty One Pilots...BEST live performers I have EVER seen by a mile. Not only do they sound just as good, if not better live...they put on one hell of a show...and their music sort of bridges many different genres.

  • Fuck BTC - 6 years ago

    I don't even care who wins it's just I don't want to be BTS I want some K pop looking ass to be on my TV when I trying to watch football

  • Stop hating on bts bcz u want top win - 6 years ago

    Yall need to stop hating on bts. I'm pretty sure there is NO hacking going on. Just bcz theyre ahead doesn't mean that theres hacking! Whether its a fan or just someone who feels like voting for bts its amazing that they have that many votes. For the fact that they're not even American yet they have (had?) a chance to go to the superbowl halftime show is amazing itself. They are getting the attention they deserve. I understand u want top to win so they come back from their hiatus but what if they NEED a break because they're UNDER TO MUCH PRESSURE??? Have u ever thought of their well being???? Or just your selfish needs of wanting them to come back and bring more music. You need to stop calling bts fans trash and faggots like would u like it if i said anyone who likes top is trash and faggots. No. Same for the bts group itself. I like TOP too okay??? But calling bts trash and other crap is rude. Like if i say TOP is trash and they have no talent, you wouldn't like it. SO STOP HATING AND CALM YO SELVES DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Why the cheating? - 6 years ago

    It's quite obvious that this poll has been hacked to include so many BTS votes. I am literally the only person I know who likes BTS. But it's simply unfair. If twenty one pilots get to perform it breaks the hiatus! THAT is far more important

  • Smol Bean - 6 years ago

    TWENTY ONE PILOTS NEED TO WIN!!! Idk how BTS is in the lead, I absolutely hate them. They’re so fake. Anywho, TØP NEEDS TO WINNNN. IF THEY DO THEY’LL BE OFF THE HIATUS!!! Please please pleaseeeeee vote for TØP????

  • Depressed clique - 6 years ago

    AHHH I'M SO DESPERATE FOR TØP TO WIN ???????????? they have been on hiatus for so long I love BTS and even if I didn't I'm not gonna bash them for being nominated, they are talented guys but I really hope TØP would win ????????????????????????????????

  • dear idiots (BTS Fans), please stop hacking to win - 6 years ago

    i will cut my hair (2 and a half feet long) and punch all of the BTS fans in the face at my school if tøp doesn't win. Oh, and also BTS sucks. They are a few little people with little lives that use auto tune because their little kawaii anime "talent" doesn't exist nor their originality, remember when they copied twenty øne piløts, yeah prove me wrong. i don't hate Korea i just hate them. if you voted for them go to the trash where you belong.

  • Bts (banci tur sedeng) - 6 years ago

    Bts jancok, cewe Indonesia jadi ga sadar diri. Bagus" pada main barbie, sekarang malah mainan plastik yang idup

  • Fel(yee)cia |-/ - 6 years ago


    also BTS is trash compared to TØP

  • tøp ftw - 6 years ago

    we need to get twenty one pilots to win! no hate to bts or anything, but if twenty one pilots wins they’ll finally end The hiatus after 6 MONTHS. please vote for tøp. |-/

  • Sam - 6 years ago


  • Sam - 6 years ago


  • bts= boys that suck - 6 years ago

    BTS is annoying and they keep getting on my nerves, they never let any band win. They're not the best.. obviously because twenty one pilots won the best group award. Please vote for twenty one pilots, just vote for them on this one, it's not like BTS isn't going to win more awards because they win like hundreds of awards every year.. Obviously I was just exaggerating, they won 29 awards in 2017! Please just vote for Twenty one pilots, bts will win more awards and might get chosen to perform for something else pls just vote for top.

  • Yes - 6 years ago

    Curse you BTS (says as he falls into an abyss)

  • Yes - 6 years ago

    Curse you BTS (says as he falls into an abyss)

  • 21 Pilot - 6 years ago

    I honestly do not dislike BTS, but I did not like that they make an album cover similar to BlurryFace of Twenty Øne Piløts

  • sam//h - 6 years ago

    bts can you please stop, like I am a fan but now I'm slowly starting to get annoyed of them always getting the highest vote/the army not giving other bands a chance. I am sure some of the army is also sick of that as they may want other bands to play too (REMEMBERI SAID SOME NOT ALL). Anyways, this has been getting on my nerves and I want other bands to win/preform. If this continues to happen, I may leave the army

  • TØP - 6 years ago


  • Why so much hate? - 6 years ago

    I mean, I personally don't like k-pop, but I would never hate on them enough to call them "faggots," and "assholes,". I have friends that like k-pop and they talk about how nice and generous they are. So can you all please stop hating, just once in your goddamn lives?

  • Spaghetti - 6 years ago

    We ???? need ???? Jake ???? Paul ????

  • Adorable Representative M.C for Youth . . .LOLz - 6 years ago

    I'm excited for the super bowl.

  • eszti - 6 years ago

    Go go BTS!! Go A.R.M.Y!!!

  • Anonymous - 6 years ago

    I would Just like to put out there a bit on the negative comments people have been posting about certain artists, specifically BTS but this applies to negative comments about any artists in general too.

    I would simply like to ask of you, please don't post hate. It's okay to not like certain artists or groups, no one is saying you have to convert to a superfan or anything, personally, I really like BTS, but that doesn't mean you have to. All I'm saying is, don't post hate, whether you're familiar with the group or not. please, you don't know their story or what they've been through to get to where they are today or even their personalities, what they believe in, what they stand for, etc. So don't go trying to insult them, because you don't know them and what about that makes you a candidate to judge them. (Also In all honesty, to the people who do know them, you just sound silly.)

    Also what makes me so sad is to see people who use insults (sometimes terms that shouldn't even be considered insults but that's a whole other issue) and try to use them against people they don't even know. And specifically about BTS, I don't want to speak for other armys or for BTS but personally, I think that's why there's been a lot of response, because the reason armys defend BTS is the same reason that they keep gaining more fans, because they continue to genuinely work hard and give it their all despite all of the haters they've gained and they continue to be humble and express thankfulness despite how many fans they've gained. (plus the more you learn about them they actually are just good people in general too)

    Now going back to "whether you're familiar with the group or not" even if you are familiar with the group and still dislike them, that's okay too, but please don't pick them apart for the things you don't like. I'm not saying that - oh it’s okay to dislike them but you can't talk about it - it's fine to be open that you don't like them, but please just cause you say you don't like them doesn't mean it's okay to throw insults at them. there's a difference.

    now as far as insults or mocking I can honestly say I don't think I've ever met someone who has become familiar with them, gotten to know more about them and still manages to completely dislike everything about them (please if you think you can do it, take the challenge you may change your mind about them) but if you still dislike them then okay, no one is forcing you to watch them or listen to their music, so why are you still involving yourself by looking them up and posting hate about them? ... I'll just let you think about that for a second...

    and if you don't even want to give them a chance and want nothing to do with them, fine, have nothing to do with them, don't turn to insulting them just because of silly irrelevant reasons. really they are artists the same as anyone else in the music industry, and the cool thing about music, it has no bounds, you don't have to understand it to enjoy it and it can come from anyone, music is a language on it's own. Really it goes both ways, music isn't defined from where or who it comes from and nor are its listeners.

    (Sorry I kind of went on a rant and I also let I slipped a few times toward how much I love them, but this is a serious topic in general and I thank you if you did read it through also to clarify this was in no way meant to be offensive or aggressive just a very real please don’t post hate just to post hate. Like them or don’t, just please don’t hate on them or anyone)

  • Ravioli ravioli you are a fagioli - 6 years ago

    All these options can lick my balls, Herbie Hancock is the only true choice here.

  • SERPERENT TONGUE - 6 years ago


  • Dick Pound - 6 years ago

    Death Grips is the only acceptable choice. That gay boyband sucks.

  • Cuckleberry Finn - 6 years ago

    I hope 4chan doesn't get in on this.
    Go foo fighters!!!!

  • BtsArmy6139 - 6 years ago

    Everyone shouldn't be hating on bts. You haven't even given them a chance. You don't have to like them, but you shouldn't curse about them in the comments. Personally, I like all these artists (im not lying) . America is about diversity. This is certainly not it. You complain there American, so what! Neither are some the artists above. Honestly, this is ridiculous. Army Fighting!

  • Kpop Luvr - 7 years ago


  • Fernanda Rafaela - 7 years ago

    Queremos a cantora brasileira @AlinneRosa no Super !!!

  • Gyzen - 7 years ago

    We want the Brazilian singer @alinne_rosa in Super Bowl 2018.

  • Queen Grace Is Beautiful And Talented And Amazing - 7 years ago

    Wow you people are fudgin insane it’s crazy ????????????????

  • My name's J and his name is T - 7 years ago

    To all the kpop haters in the world, a day may come when you become ARMY's to
    But until that day comes shut you mouth because we love bts and would support them till the day we die and we would like you to love them so go on YouTube and look up funny bts moments or Jin telling his dad jokes (because why not there just so stupid there funny) They also work there asses off to make ARMY's happy so don't just judge them because you can't understand what there saying or because there korean if you don't appreciate there work just go and watch one of the music videos like DNA and you can tell how much time they dedicate to practicing getting it perfect. So anyway I'm not saying you have to like them but if you don't got nothing nice to say about them then keep your mouth closed. OH and FUCK YOU for not liking them so you obviously need glasses ,hearing aids,or you just need to learn to appreciate what we have in our world you should feel lucky I don't track all you bts haters down and beat the shit outta you

    ~love fellow ARMY

  • GDragon - 7 years ago

    tysob, you obviously have never heard their music, BTS is currently more well known and even BIEBER! And hating people from other countries who are going to the USA Super Bowl? Look at Bieber, born in Canada! And residing in Canada, so shut the hell up! I have met them and they are really nice! So think about it, are you really being reasonable?

  • Mika - 7 years ago

    Go go go BTS !! >~

  • tysob - 7 years ago


  • Nunya - 7 years ago

    BTS may not be American, but anybody can be American. The United States of America has no official language, nor does it have any specific race or ethnicity. So I don't see why BTS can't play in the halftime. There are some English verses in their songs and they have great music. Just because you can't understand it doesn't mean you can't enjoy it and dance to it. Any 'Army' you meet will tell you they are one of the best bands out there in the world right now.

  • Lydia - 7 years ago

    "The Superbowl is an AMERICAN sport for AMERICAN people"

    Umm... Idk if you ever paid attention to school, but they say that the United States is a country for IMMIGRANTS.

    Don't be a racist asshole and say that BTS can't play because they aren't from the United State, nor is their muse in English.
    That doesn't mean you can't enjoy their music.
    I barely know what they're saying, but I'm such a huge fan of them, and will support them until the day I die.

    Why not give them a chance? It'd be better than most of the asshole celebrities in the US.

  • angel - 7 years ago

    BTS armys is coming for the haters.

  • angel - 7 years ago

    GO BTS ! rap monster mic drop: haters gonna hate players gonna play just live your life... good luck.

  • Candice - 7 years ago

    Really no one is considering like I don't know... DEMI FREAKING LOVATOOOO. Or maybe Jennifer Lopez and Janet Jackson.

  • six - 7 years ago

    BTS?? Really??

  • Cheryl Russo - 7 years ago

    I don't think many people realize what an amazing voice Miley has. Listen/watch her performance with Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden. Once she got past her "wild & crazy" phase, you can now see and hear the real Miley. Besides her voice, she is a great entertainer, has a great personality, a great sense of humor. (She is also great on The Voice.) I would love to see her do halftime. OMG, please don't pick "Tay Tay"!!!!!!!!!!.....oyyyyyy.

  • asdfghjk - 7 years ago


  • pearl - 7 years ago

    #ARMY #Bulletproof_boys #BTS

  • Ivany - 7 years ago

    We want the Brazilian singer @alinne_rosa in Super Bowl 2018.

  • Gabriel - 7 years ago

    Queremos a cantora brasileira @AlinneRosa no Super Bowl 2018.

  • Eduarda - 7 years ago

    Queremos a cantora brasileira @AlinneRosa no Super Bowl 2018.

  • Beatriz - 7 years ago

    Queremos a cantora brasileira @AlinneRosa no Super Bowl 2018.

  • Thiago - 7 years ago


  • Julio - 7 years ago


  • Rie - 7 years ago


  • Guto - 7 years ago

    We want the singer @AlinneRosa performing in the Super Bowl 2018 to the sound of the electronic pop "Shake It Out".

  • Rayk - 7 years ago

    Brazil wants to watch the Brazilian singer @AlinneRosa performing at the 2018 Super Bowl with the electronic pop "Shake It Out".

  • Enzzo - 7 years ago

    We want a Brazilian artist @AlinneRosa in the Super Bowl in 2018.
    We want her debuting the show with the electronic pop song "Shake It Out".

  • Antonia - 7 years ago

    We want a Brazilian artist in the Super Bowl in 2018.
    We want the Brazilian pop singer @AlinneRosa performing!
    We want the Brazilian putting the world to dance and sing to the sound of her greatest hits "Complicamos Demais", "Estilo Meu", "Chegue Chegando", "PulaAê", "Não Vou Parar", "País Da Fantasia", "Isso Aqui é Salvador" and "Shake It Out."

  • Jay Zapari - 7 years ago

    The super bowl doesn’t need a k-pop group they need Imagine Dragons(so much better).

  • Ivo - 7 years ago


  • Kaike - 7 years ago

    @AlinneRosa do Brasil

  • Darley - 7 years ago


  • Jackson - 7 years ago


  • Herick - 7 years ago


  • Solangy - 7 years ago


  • Augustina - 7 years ago


  • Amalhay - 7 years ago


  • Pawl - 7 years ago


  • Natan - 7 years ago


  • Hyago - 7 years ago

    @AlinneRosa, who has been a lead singer for ten years at #BandaCheiroDeAmor, one of the most sold Brazilian bands since 1985.
    With the band, the singer released # 7 albums, two albums conquered "gold disc", in addition the singer had # 21 songs in position in # BrasilHot100, #BrasilBillboard, #BrasilBillboardPop, # BrasilBillboardSalvador, "also had with # 2Albums In the position of # BrasilTop20 and # BrasiTop 30.

  • Karolina - 7 years ago

    @AlinneRosa # AgoraÉAlinneRosa # QueenDoAxéPopNacional #ShakeItOut
    ALINNE ROSA began her career singing in the Band Smell of Love, and today she follows a solo career. The girl has already been nominated among the 100 most beautiful women in VIP Magazine. In early 2012 she starred in the air as an actress in the miniseries 'O Brado Retumbante' on Rede Globo.
    With Alinne Rosa, since 2003 the band Cheiro de Amor was in its third formation. In the band he had hits such as "Amassadinho", "Behind the Trio", "Faces and Mouths", "His Goodbye", "Arrived to Stay", "Bye Bye", "Everything Changed in Color", " , "Waiting in the Window", "Everything to See", "Once More", "Think of Me", "Sun Days", "Saint George Moon", "Sheikh", " "," Na Lata ", among other songs, commanded the blocks of carnival YES and CHEIRO, in the band's vocals released 7 albums.
    On December 2, 2013 during a press conference with Alinne and the manager of the band Windson Silva, it was announced the singer's solo career after 10 years in charge of the band.
    In the farewell, Alinne said to be very grateful to the band Smell and the support of the fans, the 'Alinnistas', as they are called by the same. On Tuesday's carnival, the singer's last performance at the front of the band, fans took a banner that read: "A new era ... Alinnismo. #SoloSimSozinhaNunca # LegiãoAlinnista #Alinnismo ", thus demonstrating support for the singer.
    The singer debuted at the Carnival in 2015, with Blocks I Go and Papa, both on the circuit Dodo and Osmar, with exhausted Abadás, has also become a prominent presence in the national network programs. In the carnival of 2016 Alinne drew attention for the boldness in its costumes where always it was of legs of outside exhibiting its good form. The singer Alinne Rosa rose in the trio Largadinho of the Block of Claudia Leitte, bringing in particular the block Tea Rosa dressed as super heroine and with a stalling boot on the night of Sunday (7), after twisting her foot during the parade on Saturday night 6), in Salvador.
    Not recording the DVD in 2014, Alinne Rosa recorded her first solo career DVD, in Salvador in Rio Vermelho on April 3, 2016, with several novelties and compositions of her own, recording began at 5.30 pm and ended the night .

  • Yury - 7 years ago

    Aquí en Argentina bailamos mucho el sonido de Brasil, de Axé Music, de esos grandes artistas de Brasil.
    La reina para mí es Aline Rosa porque estoy enamorado de su presentación en el X Factor.

  • Fabrízio - 7 years ago

    @AlinneRosa do Brasil

  • Reginaldo - 7 years ago

    @AlinneRosa do Brasil!!

  • Edna - 7 years ago


  • Kawy - 7 years ago


  • Juliane - 7 years ago


  • Barbara - 7 years ago

    @AlinneRosa por favor!!!

  • Andressa - 7 years ago


  • Gustavo - 7 years ago


  • Guilherme - 7 years ago


  • Rosy Layne - 7 years ago

    We want the Brazilian singer @AlinneRosa at Super Bowl 2018!

  • Rafael - 7 years ago

    We want the Brazilian singer @AlinneRosa at Super Bowl 2018!

  • Adan Lys - 7 years ago

    We want the Brazilian singer @alinne_rosa in Super Bowl 2018.
    Alinne competed in the title of "Brazilian Carnival Queen" on Billboard in 2017.

    @AlinneRosa on Twitter

  • Domyngues - 7 years ago


  • Gabryella - 7 years ago


  • Andrey - 7 years ago


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