Daily poll: The poll shows dead heat in B.C. electoral referendum. Which option are you voting for?


  • Marcelle Roy - 6 years ago

    In reply to AAron "still need a majority to pass legislation" indeed we will still need that under Pro Rep but the important difference will be that bills/laws won't get passed under a "FALSE majority" as in 39% of votes under FPTP gives a party 100% of the power rendering the opposition useless. Whereas with Pro Rep 39% of votes would equal 39% of the power. Meaning parties would have to work together to achieve a REAL majority. And in response to LEE first things first Pro Rep has to get 51% of votes minimum, then see what system most people opted for. How can all details get worked out when no one knows what system voters want??

  • Wayne P - 6 years ago

    FPTP is by far the worst system when it comes to fairness. To me it seems to be a no-brainer. If Pro Rep is chosen by the people, it will be used in the next two election cycles. If by then you find it is a better system, then the people will decide to keep it. If not, we will revert back to FPTP. There is absolutely nothing to lose, and you just might like it, just as many many countries have done.

  • Bruce Bee - 6 years ago

    The reason why the status quo political power want to keep winner-take-all illegal elect system.
    If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal. -Emma Goldman

  • Bill Henderson - 6 years ago

    Proportional representation is a chance to move deeper into democracy. Some people think we can't handle it, that we must have the "boss" doing what he likes with the power of his/her position. Deeper democracy would surely mean listening to each other, discussing, making compromises, finding ways move us forward together where standard ideologies could not. The rise of demagogues in powerful positions is facilitated by FPTP. If ever there was a time for us to behave more intelligently, to take the democratic high road, to really work together this must be it. This is not romance, this is survival!!

  • George Orwell - 6 years ago

    Did you people not understand what I was trying to warn you about?

  • Freya Keddie - 6 years ago

    Although my personal favourite Pro Rep voting system is DMP, my top pick will be Mixed Member Proportional (MMP). Why? Because I've met so many people going door-to-door during elections who agonize between the party they like & the person they like (if in another party). And often this wasn't a "strategic vote" thing. With MMPs two votes you get to vote for the local candidate you like AND the party that you prefer - even if the parties are different. So you'll get a local MLA (elected by our familiar first-past-the-post system) AND a regional MLA (the "party vote," likely selected from an "open list," i.e. candidates for the regional "party MLA" will be chosen by the voters too)

  • Aaron - 6 years ago

    FPTP is the least bad option. Pro-rep may sound romantic, but legislation methods arent changing. Still need a majority to pass legislation. While the government may better reflect how the people voted, it doesn't necessarily reflect how well it will operate in a majority rules legislature.

  • Ken Nixon - 6 years ago

    Dont trust NDP

  • Mark - 6 years ago

    Beware of taking these polls seriously, folks.They are easily penetrated by bots designed to keep one side well ahead of the other, in an effort to influence undecided voters by suggesting that one side is so far ahead that it's useless to vote for the "losing" side, even if that's your preference. Pay no attention to this harmful little "polls!"

  • Thomas Beaupre - 6 years ago

    Three levels of socialist government.
    Wow how did that happen.

  • Lee - 6 years ago

    I would have considered pro rep if the specific details on exactly which system to be used had been worked out. Too many unknown variables.

  • Eli Webber - 6 years ago

    Imagine that—Sun/Province readers sticking with the status quo (despite polls showing split)

  • Brian - 6 years ago

    Post media poll obviously proves how out of touch main steam media is, the actual return referendum vote is equally split and another poll shows the pro PR young vote hasn’t cast their ballets yet .

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