Obama won, big time! How do you feel?


  • mebane - 15 years ago

    happy days after this

  • Core - 15 years ago

    I'll be honest, were now three months into his term.. give or take a bit.
    I wasn't happy when he won.. not because of who he is, but because of his policy's.

    I wanted Ron Paul to win.. but hey that's just me.

  • Liberal AND Proud - 15 years ago

    I was relieved and very happy, but...after these first weeks of transition I would think that my view is now wait and see. I am a show me guy, talk is cheap...and so far...all of the talk of the campaign seems very very inexpensive.

    I'm not loving the appointments, although I probably like the Panetta appointment more than others. Again...I'm a show me guy. That appointment tells me, along with the "terrorism dept" appointment, that the U.S. approach to internal security and domestic spying will be changing. But, the other appointments leave me disappointed and resigned to the fact that we are not going to see the kind of sweeping socio-economic changes that this country desperately needs.

  • Paul S - 15 years ago

    Wait and see...Obama hasn't been President for even one day yet. I have listened to the commentators so I know what is being said about an Obama Admin. At least let's give Obama a chance. I am hopeful that there will be at least the START of a REAL change in Washington DC. I voted for Obama so I'm witholding judgement for now. For the good of the country, if for no other reason, i wish an Obama admin is a great success.

  • sandy - 15 years ago

    with possibly the worst 2 candidates in the history of our country running, i say "to he** with it! after reading pam martens series on obama being manipulated by wall street, i ruled him out in february. when mccain voted for the bailout i ruled him out. neither candidate was at all interested in stopping the mechanisms in place that could bring down this country.

  • N. Ron Shrubbard - 15 years ago

    This "election" was hard to call, because the plutocrats seemed un-united for a while, and only seemed to agree upon Obama in early October, at which point they let the Dow crater and the media became hugely, and almost monolithically, pro-Obama. This is all it took to manipulate enough of the "education"-system-brainwashed and media-brainwashed masses to vote "correctly," in end-effect as if directly instructed by the plutocracy.

    Needless to say, I did not vote. What a complete waste of time. Fifteen minutes of my time is a terrible thing to waste, at least on a charade like an "election." If I want to play charades or play some other fantasy role playing game, I can find a much more entertaining, and fulfilling, way to do so, and I can find people to play with who do not depress me. I can also find a game in which the makers of the game do not thoroughly disgust me and fill me with loathing and rage.

  • N. Ron Shrubbard - 15 years ago

    This "election" is at most trivial in relevance, as they all are. "Elections," especially of the presidential variety, are important indicators because they do provide a few forensic clues about what flavor and spin the plutocracy wants to put on things going forward, at least in the near term. A very small group of individuals (e.g. plutocrats) own a very disproportionately large percentage of all assets, and because they number so few (who own and control so much) and all have the same class-interests, they are able to work together cohesively as a class -- the plutocracy (without any need for any impossibly complex or bizarre formal conspiracy).

    Because of their disproportionate control of assets and power, the plutocracy is able to control the media and "education" (equals public perception), and they are able to manipulate all "markets" to a very large degree, and going full circle, the plutocracy can even use "market" behavior as a tool to manipulate public sentiment and opinion.

    As Elaine documents so well, all systems are very badly strained now, and in fact stretched to a place that is really very surreal. One repurcusion is the plutocracy's ability to daily move all "markets" where they want, like a daily puppet show, is no longer what it used to be. One entity nonetheless still has quite a bit of power to do this, and this is BoJ. Simple observation of behavior clearly shows the entire G7 plutocracy clearly all wants the same thing (whether in the US, Japan, or elsewhere), so they no doubt all work together, at least to some extent.

    Despite all this, BoJ's ability to manipulate all "markets" where they want still has its limits, as recent events have shown. As Elaine points out, what limits BoJ is its finite ability to force all conditions to a place that keeps Japan perpetually in a large trade surplus. While many focus only on the grotesque policies and manipulations underpinning the so-called carry trade, what is often overlooked is the import (by Japan) portion of trade balance. For Japan, this pretty much comes down to oil. Japan must import all its oil, and at a high enough price per barrel, it dooms Japan to a trade deficit. Worse, the so-called carry trade dynamics themselves, plus other slimy little volume, velocity-of-money, and multiplier-effect manipulation techniques BoJ employs to buttress these same dynamics, greatly inflates total G7 money (credit) supply and further causes USD to accumulate outside the US (often as forex reserves, as Elaine ceaselessly documents). These credits and USD end up -- you guessed it -- bidding for oil. So much for BoJ's (and the entire G7 plutocracy's) ability to infinitely keep this going.

    It's not surprising that the final bubble to inflate before the serious systemic problems broke out was the commodity bubble. Of couse, this was the bubble the plutocracy wanted to avoid as long as it could, in part because they must have known what it would do to their whole nasty and horribly unhealthy G7 dynamic, which only benefits plutocrats and can only for so long. It all came to a head late last spring, when oil was pushing 150. This proved too much, and BoJ palpably toned down its shenanigans, and shortly thereafter they could no longer paper over the crisis, and it manifested publicly and viscerally.

    So the plutocracy "elected" Obama, e.g. appointed him as next president. While the plutocracy generally seems to prefer republicans, at times the republicans seem most useful to them in a scapegoat role. This seems one of those times. Of course, anybody half awake can see the plutocracy tolerates very little insubordination from "elected" officials of either major party, who the plutocracy realistically see as their employee servants.

  • Really enjoyed reading your comments on G W Bush. How true. What an
    ignoramous and spoiled brat. You described it so beautifully.
    Now we are blessed with the chance of a new start with a great Democrat.
    I heartily agree with every proposal you made. End the wars. Close down
    that Gulag Gitmo. It doesen't belong in American Democracy. More suitable
    to a Stalinist regime. Restore our constitutional rightrs. And clean up the banking system with proper controls. Punish the crooks and perpetrators of fraud. T^hen get on with thye business of building a better, prosperous America.
    Thanks again Elain, for your wonderful article.

  • glenn perry - 16 years ago

    glad that we don't have to leave the country- today- but probably should start packing anyway. This country has gone so far to the right Obama was the Republican candidate, but JT's comment is on the mark

  • JT - 16 years ago

    Very happy.
    As my wife elegantly put it when she was watching Obama win speech:
    "It´s such a shitty job they gave it to a black man. But now at least when you look into the eyes of the US president, you can see that the lights are on and there´s somebody home."

  • DRL - 16 years ago

    Relieved AND happy but RELIEF is the predominant emotion of the day. Finally!

  • Grok - 16 years ago

    The lesser of two evils prevailed. That strategy has not worked well in the past. Unavoidable economic events will necessitate drastic action to maintain the status quo. The actions that Obama takes will define his presidency. Lets hope that those actions are not draconian.

  • trilegarde - 16 years ago

    this situation reminds me of the song by queen the phrophets song

  • trilegarde - 16 years ago

    it is of no consequence who won. this election is a charade same tune different fiddle player.the comex market will soon collapse real gold will probaly be confiscated and we are heading into a new dark age commoditys will go thru the roof as will oil god help america .it will be bad in the uk but at least we have not got as many firearms.tho i wouldnt mind one myself

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