Should McDonald's be distributing a Custer toy in its Happy Meals?


  • Fatisha - 15 years ago

    Well im really pissed off my sn went to MDONALDS FRIDAY. And I didntnotice it till tuesday I had gone into his room and on his fish tank was a little sticker said ZOG and I askedhim where he had gotten this from and he said from th back of his MCDONALDS TOY. I took it from him im going back and complain and im going to try to have it removed from there kids meals. As we all know that ZOG stands for ZIONIST OCCUPATION GOVERNMENT. Or at least some say,,,well I dont like it its really a racial thing and thats all t it!!

  • Fatisha - 15 years ago

    Well im really pissed off my sn went to MDONALDS FRIDAY. And I didntnotice it till tuesday I had gone into his room and on his fish tank was a little sticker said ZOG and I askedhim where he had gotten this from and he said from th back of his MCDONALDS TOY. I took it from him im going back and complain and im going to try to have it removed from there kids meals. As we all know that ZOG stands for ZIONIST OCCUPATION GOVERNMENT. Or at least some say,,,well I dont like it its really a racial thing and thats all t it!!

  • Nikki Tate - 15 years ago

    It angers me to think that a corporation could be so blatantly insensitive. Racism in America will never end if a stand is not taken for what is right. It is time for this ugliness to end.

    When I look at America and all it stands for it saddens me to think what does God think of all of this??? Is this why he created mankind??? For us to mean, intolerant, and hateful to one another?? CERTAINLY NOT!!!!!!!!!!

    So when you are in church on Sunday just remember the teachings on Sunday need and should carryover to Monday thru Saturday. Don't be a hypocrite!!!!!!!!!

  • Peltier1969 - 15 years ago

    Wow that was a lot of hot air Jeff! maybe you should take the time to read some history books yourself instead of talking to people like they are a bunch of nobodies. I have read our treaty as well as many others, I dont even want to get into that now. I just dont think you know jack about Native people, we fight more battles with subtle racist little minded people and corporations than you could even understand. Your comments need to be thought out a little deeper, your words are empty, just like the minds of those who sell Happy Meals with toys inside of murderers and rapists. Who are you to talk down to us? Why should we "get over it" just because people like you are sick of hearing it? OUR struggle is on many fronts and we serve and HONOR our veterans every day! Custer was a racist pig and people should just recognize that, this is more than just about a toy! McDonalds is irresponsible and its people in charge are insensitive and cruel. Who would deliberately hurt a child? in this case a NATIVE AMERICAN (notice AMERICAN Jeff) child? only bigots would, so chose your words carefully. Native American families are outraged by this and we have every right to be so dont you tell me to forget about it? SHould we forget about history all together? Thank Creator for people who are on our side and understand what it means to us. But remember this Jeff, you need to read history before you tell anybody to forget about it. here is a list of books for you. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown, ok thats just one but it has more than you need to know

  • Dogface - 15 years ago

    This is ridiculous. So the Happy Meal includes a figure of Custer! If the Meal included a figure of an Indian, you wouldn't hear us palefaces complaining that the Indians killed Custer and all his men.

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    Indian, Indigenous People, Native American, 1st Nation...did I miss any? I'm certainly pleased that people have nothing more important to protest than a plastic toy at McDonalds. Was Custer an idiot? Yes. Were the settlers blood thirsty murderous psychopaths? No Did different tribes make war on other tribes long before the Europeans arrived? Yes Are there still prejudices among the tribes? Yes I am so sick of all this frickin political correctness. There were atrocities on all sides before and after Europeans arrived. Instead of playing Don Quixote and fighting tiny plastic toys that children play with and don't know the historical significance (except for what parents tell them) why not expend your outrage and hurt feelings to make a difference where it counts! How many treaty promises written down are still being fulfilled? Not very many even though the treaties are legally binding contracts and are enforceable in court if you are prepared to fight for your rights. Anyone fighting that battle? How about all the royalty money for mineral, timber, water etc. that the government is required to maintain an accounting of but will never be able to provide no matter how long a lawsuit crawls through countless courts? How many of you who are so outraged over a plastic toy even know of that lawsuit? How many of you who are so outraged over a plastic toy have even read a treaty to discover just what the goverrnment is supposed to be providing and all the treaty stipulations that are completely ignored. Where was the outrage when the Joseph band of the Nez Perce won an illegal taking of their land case but were paid ONLY what the land was worth then, with no adjustment for inflation or interest on the money? If we have become so shallow and petty that we can only attack a plastic bauble from china then we have indeed become a nation of victims. For those who would attack me for my views I say "your welcome." I served my country to ensure we are all free to speak our minds and express our views. I am also torn between the way it is and the way it should be, between what I know is right and what I know can never be made right. Make a difference people! Stop wasting your armchair, politically correct outrage on something so miniscule as a plastic toy. All you have really done is given Micky D's alot of free media exposure and shown how shallow most of you are. Fight for the rights the treaties have given. Use the our own laws to turn the tables on the decades of lies, theft, and broken promises. STOP being victims and START making a difference!

  • Janna - 15 years ago

    The happy meal toy is quite disturbing, when my son received it in his happy meal I was shocked, hurt and very disturbed when i saw an icon of a very sore spot in Indian history. I have not seen the movie so my context of th toy went way back to history. When I approached McDonalds about it, they told me it was just a movie, BUT the crimes against humanity that this guy commited is monsterious!! McDonalds had some very poor taste...and least to say a waste of plastic as I promtly got rid of the toy.

  • Rachel - 15 years ago

    Thats the problem, if u read the history books, there is no accurate history about the Native American population. Don't u get it? It is not about what my 3 yr. old saying: "McDonalds is racist mommy!" Of course he won't it is what this figurine stands for; ugliness and hate! If you've ever picked up a history book like I have u would see that we are barely recognized as a race. Our history is not taught in elementary, middle school, and is only offered as a Native American studies class which is optional in High School. And, I would like racism to go away and if I have something to say that addresses racism than I will say it, because that is the other problem we don't talk about it, IT being racism. How can we address the unspeakable if we don't talk about it? So, seriously, I agree, with Kathy: I CARE!

  • Little Shell - 15 years ago

    McDonalds is responsible for so much of the health problems in our society, why not add racism to their list of accomplishments? In the american school system were not taught the truth anyway! The history books are all wrong. and when someone or a group of people express their distaste, their considered snivelers. Life Educated people know the real truth. People around the world know the truth. What's the big deal if we express some outrage re: the treatment of the "Original" Americans.

  • Little Shell - 15 years ago

    McDonalds is responsible for so much of the health problems in our society, why not add racism to their list of accomplishments? In the american school system were not taught the truth anyway! The history books are all wrong. and when someone or a group of people express their distaste, their considered snivelers. Life Educated people know the real truth. People around the owrld know the truth. What's the big deal if we express some outrage re: the treatment of the "Original" Americans.

  • RezGirl - 15 years ago

    Seriously? I agree with Andrew-WHO CARES? If you think that your child will get this toy and say "Gee Mommy, McDonald's companies are racist" then that is a PARENTING ISSUES, not a company one! Want racism to go away? Start with yourselves! If my 6 yr or 3 yr old got that toy they would be more interested in the bike then anyone riding it, no matter their skin color!
    Want rasism in the US, keeping commenting on something you only read in your history books!

  • Christophe - 15 years ago

    Another slap in the face for Native Americans by a corporate GIANT.
    Give us a break-McDonalds. Thanks for reminding everyone about the insensitive boy-in-a-man suit, Custer.
    Regardless of the movie this toy should not be representing anything-in a happy meal or otherwise.
    Geez! It's hard to believe all the losers that said, "yes" the toy should be given away. With this sentiment the 'Yes" people's stupid kids will never know the facts either!
    This is absolutely appalling. Wake up McDonalds!

  • Barbara (Metis) - 15 years ago

    George Custer was a psychotic murdering genocidal raping scumbag. What's next, the Josef Mengele Happy Meal? How about the Hermann Goering Happy Meal? I know, I know, McDonald's should just go full on fascist and do an homage to the "Genocidal Maniacs of History" Happy Meal. The boxes can be in the shapes of little gas chambers and the napkins can have imprints of small pox bacteria.

    You stay classy McDonald's. We'll just be boycotting you forever, you fascist scumbags.

  • Kathy Little Leaf - 15 years ago

    2009-06-18 20:49:08 ET
    Obviously, the ones who claim that we should get over it, or it was ONLY history are clueless! History affects are today, and as a Native American who has to continually live through stereotypes, discrimination, and racism this is another incident or event that shows how America continues to disregard the Native American race! Custer was not a hero and when his plastic figure is placed inside my kids happy meal it is just another insult of how much my race is disregarded. Obviously there are many that don't care, because you don't have to be insulted on a daily basis because of the color of your skin or your children; did you ever hear of empathy? So I am sensitive, and I am an American, and I am also a PROUD First Nation person, and I deserve respect as any other American. Why don't you start learning the reality of my history and start seeing that that history still lives on today! Who cares, I care!

  • Kathy - 15 years ago

    Obviously, the ones who claim that we should get over it, or it was ONLY history are clueless! History affects are today, and as a Native American who has to continually live through stereotypes, discrimination, and racism this is another incident or event that shows how America continues to disregard the Native American race! Custer was not a hero and when his plastic figure is placed inside my kids happy meal it is just another insult of how much my race is disregarded. Obviously there are many that don't care, because you don't have to be insulted on a daily basis because of the color of your skin or your children; did you ever hear of empathy? So I am sensitive, and I am an American, and I am also a PROUD First Nation person, and I deserve respect as any other American. Why don't you start learning the reality of my history and start seeing that that history still lives on today! Who cares, I care!

  • Troy - 15 years ago

    WOW.. cultural sensetivity? Grow up and quit being so sensitive. When did America become such a bunch of whiners?????

  • Roger - 15 years ago

    Commenters who say "who cares" or "get over it" need to be more sensitive to people and cultures not their own. I oppose much of today's political correctness but Custer was responsible for the murder of hundreds of Indians, many children and older men and women, at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. There is no reason to think he would not have slaughtered many again at Little Bighorn had he had the chance. We should be mindful of history and its impact on people, even if it is not your own history.

  • Cherie - 15 years ago

    I find it interesting that there are eight toys in this series distributed by McDonald's. Generally, there are five or fewer objects offered as Happy Meals toys. It would seem a no-brainer that eliminating this divisive toy would not hurt the marketing efforts and should have happened in the planning stage of the campaign. There is never a good reason for causing insult or injury, which this item obviously does. It should not be distributed in 'Indian Country' and the entire US is 'Indian Country.' Thumbs down for McDonald's lack of foresight and lack of consideration of those who object. The children surely don't know who Custer was or his place in history, but perhaps they should learn. And by introducing him as a plastic toy lessens the impact of his place in history of a politically ambitious man who tried to lead the greatest battle to eliminate a race of people, but whose ineptitude caused not only his own death but the deaths of his men as well.

  • Andrew - 15 years ago

    Where's the "who cares?" option?

  • Mike Poserina - 15 years ago

    The issue at hand... which is not said in the article... is that the motorcycle he is riding is called an Indian Chief. I'm sure its the symbolism that's pissing them off. I frankly don't care one way or another. Also, dont claim history if the motorcycle wasnt invented until 9 years after his death.

  • Erin - 15 years ago

    This is insane, it has nothing to do with History ! Do you really think the children who are buying these happy meals know anything about Custer Historically ? It's merely a toy from a movie, get over it. There are so many more worthwhile causes to be arguing over other than what McDonald's is including in their happy meals for CHILDREN.

  • mike madsen - 15 years ago

    who killed Custer ?!? he wasn't just "Custer and the US army" they were also "relatives"

  • Hiram Q. Pustule - 15 years ago

    I'll bet a Klansman action figure would really help sell Happy Meals in the American South. Or a Josef Mengele bobble-head in predominantly Jewish areas of the nation. Way to practice that cultural sensitivity, McDonalds!

  • wilson - 15 years ago

    it has nothing to do with indians. give me a break. it's a movie memorabilia toy at best. at worst it's a stupid piece of chinese platic that's going to get thrown in the trash.

    now if mickey d's comes out with a hatchet and feather set to go with custer and focussed on some good old U.S. calvary vs. indian violence, well, that's a different story.

    do you see the difference yet? one is a cheap piece of plastic promoting a movie about statues in a museum that come to life with hysterical consequences and mockery of an old scar from a terrible war in our country.
    not even remotely the same or related.

    think, people.

  • Tim - 15 years ago

    The crucifixion of Jesus was history, but I don't think it would be appropriate to make a toy out of it.

  • allen - 15 years ago

    It is history whether it was good or bad. I hope that there is an American Native included with the Mcdonald toys.

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