Which Night Angel character would you like to be for Halloween?


  • Kylar Stern - 14 years ago

    I'd be Kylar cause he's the bomb. Everyone knows he can't love, but can't help himself. He even ends up with someone who wanted to kill him, Vi. To me I say who the heck needs love? You can survive on your own without some chick breathing down your neck telling you to go wash the dishes, or some guy telling you to iron his shirt. To me a boyfriend or a girlfriend is just something that ties you down, and keeps you from doing something that you must. Like when Kylar had to kill that Titan he was distracted cause he was still trying to look for Elene. like Durzo Blint said,"Love is a rope, Relationships are nooses." I love the Night Angel Trilogy!!!! GO BRENT WEEKS FOR MAKING SUCH GREAT BOOKS!!!!!!!

  • Logan - 15 years ago

    I'd want to be the Durzo Reincarnate or Durzo's last life. He's so much more at ease and I really enjoyed seeing him happier than he was at the begging. But it only turned out so great because he was in so much turmoil before.

  • Rob - 15 years ago

    Its late, very late, but I just checked back this site, and was bummed that I missed the poll, I guess i'm a fan of the secondary characters as much as the main. Because I'd have to choose Scarred Wrable, that's who I would have been if I had the time, and Didn't have to work the graveyard shift. To me, Brent Weeks had not only made his primary character's shine, but even with his cameo apperance characters they left an impression.

  • Kayla - 15 years ago

    I would so totally be Vi..........and yes there is a whole story behind this......first one of my friends decided to read the series out of curiosity and she got me and a bunch of my other friends hooked on it......then we all gave each other characters (just like we do with every series we read normal or manga).....and my friends decided I would make the best Vi......I love being Vi....she gets such a cool role......I really should try to talk my friends into doing Night Angel for Halloween one year.......but that is like already idea #5 for next Halloween and it hasn't even been a month since this past Halloween.....yeah........sorry I'm rambling now aren't........

  • Tam - 15 years ago

    Savior, what I said was 'that being said, who wouldn't want to have the powers of the black Ka'Kari'. Not as in Vi has it, but as in Kylar would be a cool character to be too because he does! I'm not sure I'd want to have another magical voice speaking in my head for all eternity though. And the pressure of never being able to slip up and get killed because of the consequences... that would suck.
    And yeah, Hu freaks me out to. There's something very wrong with that man. I think his head popping like a pimple was a deserved fate.
    Go Vi!

  • Dave Wolf - 15 years ago

    I'd have to go with Kylar cause i love how he can't love yet he can't help it!!
    He's a guy thats willing to push himself to the limits to become stronger
    He's so willing that he apprentices with the most dangerous man in Cenaria

  • Mac Wright - 15 years ago

    It doesn't surprise me that Durzo won the most votes since he is, in fact, a BAMF among BAMFs. But what DOES surprise me is that Hu Gibbet didn't get past the double digits! It's halloween people! Durzo is my favorite literary character of all time but Hu is scary as hell! Out of all the characters to choose from Hu is the very very very very very VERY last one I would want to meet in a dark alley! With that costume it would be so much easier to scare little girls in ballarina costumes. And really, isn't that what Halloween is all about?

  • savior - 15 years ago

    Tam, as to your comment, Kylar has the Black Ka'Kari. Not Vi, personally I'd have to go with Kylar only because i see myself in him.

  • Tam - 15 years ago

    To put a females view in there (assuming none of the others are female, which may be a big assumption) I would definitely be Vi. She's amazing and strong, kick ass but humane, a true heroine. She speaks to my heart. That being said, who wouldn't want to have the powers of the black Ka'Kari!
    I'm from Australia (yes yes, *shrimp on a barbie* and all that) and I'm so glad these books made it to our shores. Vi is the woman every girl fears to be, and yet is a woman to be inspired by.
    Give me Vi any day!

  • benthebear1 - 15 years ago

    I think tat everyone shold be Kylar cause he changes though out time. and to be able to life forver watching makind evolve and make huge decisions would be kinda cool. i just think brent weeks is awesome because he made the charectors and he had the brilliant mind to think of it all!!!!!!!!

  • Yume - 15 years ago

    Agreed with CJ: I sit right behind the door on my throne as Wolf, waiting to scare kids as I open the door with my mind*. Yellow eyes piercing the darkness.... nyahaha, that'd be nice a creepy. Though sadly no one would get it.... But, it'd look cool! ^^ (and hopefully scare kid away from the candy that is rightfully mine!)
    But, I'd like to be Durzo or Kylar, rather similar costumes anyways. Plus, being an awesome assassin** (forgive me for using this term...) would rock.

  • holden - 15 years ago

    i picked momma k 'cause it would be funny

    ( I'm male )

  • Hal - 15 years ago

    I'd have to go for Durzo as his character is so mysterious. There is not much you know of his character to begin with and so you have to go deeper into his world to understand who he is.
    He also seems to understand how the world works and does what he has to to survive, but he also still cares, even if he will not show it.

  • CJ - 15 years ago

    I agree with the comment above - The Wolf would be awesome to do. Just sit there on your little throne waiting for the doorbell to ring and little kiddies to come by. And those yellow eyes are always awesome?

    I like how none of the commenters want to Kylar. xD YES!

  • justeoin - 15 years ago

    Fin would be awesome. . cos hes seriously messed up . . or Lantano. . cos he's just badass

  • tobi - 15 years ago

    id have to go with dorian with his vir visable that would be kickass

  • KamenRiderDiEnd - 15 years ago

    I'd go with the Wolf. Because Godhood like beings are simply cool. Nuff said.

  • Colin Docherty - 15 years ago

    I would have to be Gnasher. Simply because he is a humble guardian, formidable opponent, slightly a horror by image but an over all humorous and mischievous puppy dog. Haha. Though I cant stand the dentist, so I think I would have to gum threats to death.

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