If offered a free-to-read ebook by an author directly, I would:

Select up to 2 answers.


  • Eric - 15 years ago

    I usually buy books at a used bookstore unless it is something I really want. I'll be picking up MHI for my Vegas trip.

    I read voraciously (7-10 books a week) and paying retail for older books is out of the budget. Unfortunately, where I live, there is no library close that has books I haven't read.*

    I'll buy it however you offer it, but will eventually buy the actual pulp version eventually.

    *besides reference, magazines and romance.

  • wrm - 15 years ago

    ... but only if I liked the book.

    Examples being Unintended Consequences and Enemies.

  • Melody Byrne - 15 years ago

    I feel having an e-book (without DRM) is just like having a physical copy, in that it is mine to do with as I would a physical book (i.e. lend it out, transfer from device to device continuously) so I'm willing to pay "real book" prices for one, lack of middleman or no. I also like having a physical copy on hand for lending purposes, so I'd end up buying both and paying equally for them.

    It's not about how much you, as an author, make off the book for me. A reasonable price is still a reasonable price, whether you're receiving 10% or 100%. The true market price is still whatever someone else is willing to pay.

  • nlf - 15 years ago

    The poll doesn't quite match my past actions. If the book is offered for free online and will be published by a major publisher I will read the book online for free then buy the book. (Doctorow, Joe Peacock).

    If it's available online then self published I'll read online and either buy the self/small published version (Sundman, Cheeseburger Brown) or donate about $5 depending on many factors such as story quality, book price, etc.

  • DJB - 15 years ago

    I tend to treat them as a taster, if I like it, I tend look for that writers books and buy them. Though, knowing now that you only get 1-2 dollars from the books sales anyway, I'd be happy to pay an author direct and cut out the middle man. Perhaps using a short story, a chapter that didn't quite fit into the book, as a teaser to lead to the purchase.

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