Should marijuana be legal?


  • Cheech&Chong - 12 years ago


  • Murphy O"Conner - 13 years ago

    Look WTF is anyones problem with weed or anything I do to myself. Do you really care if you neighbour is banging his wife while having 4 mistresses and later on smoke a nice fatty on the side to celebrate his achievement? Do you really give a good gotdamn that I'm smoking a nice blunt right now while stroking it to Aria Giovanni? I thought not! SO F**K OFF AND LEGALIZE IT ALREADY! Its my body and I can do what I darn well please to it. The only thing I never support of course is driving under the influence, whether it be on weed/alcohol/pills etc. etc. I'm not here to kill anyone, I'm about love,peace,my family and living stress free. SO PISS OFF ALREADY TO THE HATERS OF WEED! Its not like I'm forcing you to smoke up dumbasses. Just like I'm covered in tattoos as well, but hey don't hire me for a job because I'm inked up. Then again, I GOT A GOTDAMN BACHELORS DEGREE, I WORKED SINCE I WAS A KID, MY PARENTS ARE GREAT CITIZENS, I HAVE NO CRIMINAL RECORD, WE HAVE NO CRIMINALS IN MY FAMILY ( OPPSSS BUT I SMOKE GREEN ) SUCH A BIG CRIME! STOP WASTING OUR TAX DOLLARS POLICE AND GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND CATCH REAL CRIMINALS! LIKE PEDOS, RAPISTS, MURDERERS ETC. ETC. ETC. THEY SAY ITS THE WAR AGAINST DRUGS, BULLS***T ITS THE WAR ON POT MY FRIENDS! FOR EVERY COKE DEALER THEY CATCH THEY ALREADY CAUGHT 3000 POTHEADS! F**KIN WASTE OF SYSTEM AND TAX PAYERS TIME AND MONEY IF YOU ASK ME! GOTDAMN IT LEGALIZE IT! IF YOU DONT LIKE MY TATTOOS OR ME SMOKIN UP THEN TURN YOUR HEAD THE OTHER WAY! OTHERWISE LET ME DO WHAT I DARN WELL PLEASE AND GO F****K YOURSELVES! It is funny though, everything that is dangerous or toxic to your health is legal! LOL, ALCOHOL, PILLS, CIGARETTES, CIGARS, FAST FOOD, FLOURIDE, ASPARTAME IN ALL OUR CANDY AND CHEWING GUM, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, ARTIFICIAL THIS AND THAT, FOOD FILLERS, MSG, MTV, REALITY T.V, CRAPPY MUSIC GENERATION, THE LIST GOES ON. AND YOU CAN DIE/OVERDOSE FROM ALL THIS STUFF IN A INSTANT. YOU CAN LITERALLY SMOKE 1000 GARBAGE BAGS FULL OF WEED OVER NIGHT AND NOTHING WELL HAPPEN TO YA! ON TOP OF THAT, CAN YOU EVEN GET PASSED SMOKING 3 ounces of SOUR DIESEL IN ONE NIGHT BY YOURSELF?????? NUFF SAID....

  • Faggot Weed legaliser the third of Austria - 13 years ago

    Your all faggots and deserve to die. However legalising it does sound nice :)

  • CS - 13 years ago

    THC stays in your blood and body for so long because it is not bad for you. Think about it, your liver processes almost every other "drug" out of your system within days typically. However THC stays in the system, common sense leads me to believe that our bodies will be the greatest judge in the end; thus common sense also leads me to believe that Marijuana is not anywhere near as harmful as the money hoarders (government) have made it seem to be.

  • DR - 13 years ago

    The only person that actually voted no is Alex.

    Everyone else was just stoned and misread the question.

  • LR - 13 years ago

    It grows on the Earth for a reason! When used with proper intent. Let it grow; let it flow!

  • Kevin Logan - 13 years ago

    "Hemp is abundantly productive and will grow on the same spot forever." – Thomas Jefferson

    “Some of my finest hours have been spent on my back veranda, smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see.” – Thomas Jefferson

    “Make the most of the Indian hemp seed, and sow it everywhere!” – George Washington

    "Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?" – Henry Ford

    “Marijuana is one of the safest, therapeutically active substances known to man.” – Judge Francis Young (DEA)

    "The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this." – Albert Einstein

    "The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world." – Carl Sagan

    Just to list a few potheads that have smoked this devil's weed!!!! Just more evidence of how Marijuana damages your brain and makes you stupid....

  • rick - 13 years ago

    smoke weed everyday stay high

  • symone - 13 years ago

    smoke pot !!

  • Mary - 13 years ago

    People who are educated know marijuana is not harmful, all the government telling us how "bad" it is for us only creates disrespect for the law because we know what they're saying isn't true. It doesn't kill brain cells - this is the number one thing people say when they're against it. They say "it makes you dumb because it kills brain cells." NO IT DOESN'T! The reason people are told smoking marijuana kills brain cells is because of ONE experiment done years ago that involved constantly pumping marijuana smoke (ONLY marijuana smoke, NO OXYGEN at all) into the airways of monkey for 3 full minutes, and the test showed that it kills brain cells. What killed the brain cells was not the marijuana, it was LACK OF OXYGEN TO THE BRAIN FOR 3 MINUTES. I wish more people knew this.

  • Gregg - 13 years ago

    Good guy Matt - posts hysterical rebuttal from Trees and then correctly cites the comment link.

  • Matt - 13 years ago

    Someone on reddit had some fun with Alex's comment above, thought I'd share it here. Link to the original is below.

    "The argument of having the government selling liquor is extremely simplified at best; Who would sell the liquor? Who would produce it? How would it be tested for potency? Would there be a testing agency to ensure guidelines are being followed? Would you really have the FDA go around inspecting breweries and distilleries? What would you do with the DEA jobs, a lot of which are targeted towards these bootleggers? Also, why should we allow you to get drunk, just so you can be drunk? Think about your society, your country, rather than being selfish. We're no longer #1 in the world in science, math, or engineering; how are we supposed to become #1 again if everyone is drinking liquor? There is literally no possible social benefit from legalizing liquor, except that people might be 'more relaxed'."


  • Tony - 13 years ago


    Do you even understand the constitution? Our country was founded upon the principles of freedom and liberty. Each and every citizen is entitled to their right to live as they would like as long as they do not harm others. Your fascist ideas about the necessity of "being number 1," and each citizen's moral obligation to ensure it is wholly blasphemous and should hold no place in the makings of law.

    It is really very sad that the general populous today has been flooded from their birth with the notions of the US's supposed elitism.

    While the improvement of education is by definition a noble cause, we should not step on the backs of our citizens to further such a cause, especially when the thing in question, Marijuana, has no real effect on that cause.

    You may argue that such a drug being legalized could increase the number of dropouts. This is not the state's problem. The state should not act as the parent of its students. It is up to parents to instill good values upon their own children. The departure from this principle is ultimately one of the causes of high use among youth, who instead learn about the dangers of drug abuse from their school systems, and who, for the most part, are completely lied to. This creates a great divide within the students minds as they grow up and hear from friends and classmates that they have been lied to, which makes them all the more likely to experiment with drugs to find out the real truth for themselves. If instead children had been told the truth from the beginning, especially when it comes from their parents, they would most certainly be far more responsible with their choices, and if they had a problem, they would be much more inclined to seek help from their parents.

    This country's long held belief that punishing someone for doing something wrong is misplaced. By simply punishing someone, they will come out of their punishment without having changed, or if they have, it is from a fear of returning to prison. Instead, we need help convicts see what they have done wrong, understand what was wrong about it, and and to finally apologize for what they have done to the people it harmed. Only then can we truly help someone better themselves. Even convicts are not lost to society, but we treat them as though they are.

    Ultimately, what the continued prohibition of Marijuana comes down to is money. Legislators make too much campaign money from the prison, pharmaceutical industry, and the private prison industry, to even think about legalization. This is wholly un-American, anyone who would sacrifice the rights and liberties of others for personal gain is pure evil. It is ultimately the legislators who are responsible for the countless lost and destroyed lives due to Marijuana criminalization.

    It is time that we all accept what needs to be done and move to change it through things like ballot initiatives or petitions. Otherwise, we have let those who wish to destroy America do it directly in front of us as we cheer them on.

  • Andre - 13 years ago


    I just read what you said, and then read the responses to you. I just wanted to say that you're totally misconceptualizing what weed is. If you're really concerned about being #1 in everything, maybe you should work towards the prohibition of alcohol. It's absolutely a terrible idea, but it would touch on what you're going for 1000 times more effectively than marijuana prohibition. Seriously, get the facts.

  • medicinesocks - 13 years ago

    The ravages of prohibition are still a scourge upon our nation. Cannabis is an old friend to mankind, long understood to be useful botanical, widely understood even by skepticsnowadays to be far less of a social problem than toxic, albeit legal alcohol.The statistics don't lie. The ravages of alcohol are disease and death. Cannabis eases the suffering of the very ill, and there's no statistical incidence of cannabis caused death to be found. Cannabis is widely available, easily obtained and enjoyed discretely without ill effect by millions of people in good health and , when used in a medical context, it has helped millions of ill and debilitated people to cope with the ravages of ongoing pain and disease. Among many diverse beneficial uses, it's well documented that cannabis effectively offsets the ravages of chemotherapy, it helps those suffering from life-threatening cancers to tolerate a treatment so toxic it often weakens and kills those who opt for it before their disease can. It also helps patients dependent on high doses of extremely dangerous and addixtive pain meds to need significantly lower doses of the toxic stuff and to effectively manage pain without eradicating their minds. Many artists and creative people enjoy its mind expanding, uplifting properties and many a hard working laborer has enjoyed relaxing with a little mellow marijuana smoke at the end of a weary day.

    It doesn't make intelligent people less intelligent, fortunately, but then again it can't make stupid people smarter either, alas. Nor can it force straight, bigoted, mean spirited ignorant people to read up, catch up on the growing body of medical literature demonstating its efficacy as medicine, nor can it make people who hate thinking to use their brains in a more nuanced, open minded way about the problems created by Demon Prohibition.

    Americans drank more, not less, during the years when alcohol was prohibited. The problems caused by alcohol addiction and abuse increased incrementally between 1920 and 1933. Black market industry boomed, crime syndicates flourished, more alcohol was produced and marketed than ever before and the industry was taken over by crooks and profiteering cops and politicians making out on both sides of the law, gun toting thugs were romanticized as folk heroes, speakeasies sprang up everywhere and the public demand for alcohol never diminished one teeny bit, people just rationalized & decided it was more fun to be scofflaws.

  • skekze - 13 years ago

    It's HIGH time our governments stop treating the people as if they are our babysitters and we are the child who's got to be in bed by 9 pm. The world works when we all remember our place. The young are the future. The middle aged, the worker. The old are our repository of knowledge and wisdom. I'm almost 40 years old. I don't need to be led by the nose like an Ox. A century ago, an 8 year old would walk into a coal mine and come out a man. Nobody gave him shit if he smoked a cig after a day of breaking rocks. He earned his right to adulthood, by living the pain of adulthood. I'm not saying we return to an age of no law, but allow the youth to grow into mature adulthood, requires the parents to go sit in grandma and grandpa's chair when it's their time. Youth cannot serve an endless apprenticeship and never earn a fair wage. The gray haired gen's time at running the world is coming to an end. If you don't like that fact, take it up with your Creator, you so falsely believe in. If the old are so afraid of death, that they'd eat their children's future, you have no belief at all. Time's are a-changing, so better get out the way of progress or the wave will wash you aside.

  • Lennon - 13 years ago

    Alex you are getting your metaphorical a$$ kicked. I agree with all. And to top it off, are you aware that some of the most brilliant and powerful people are pot heads?
    They just don't talk about it, because it's not legal.

    Marijuana helps cancer patients through chemo with pain and eating. It has reversed poor eye vision and helps glaucoma.

    It's ok to not do it, but don't knock it's positive affects, because it is naturally grown. There are liver damaging alcohols and lung cancer causing cigarettes that are man made. Think about it, don't be so closed minded.

  • Lucy - 13 years ago

    2nd comment down....Alex, if people buy weed for the sake of getting high...Is it ok to buy alcohol for the purpose of getting drunk?
    Alcohol poisoning exists, weed poisoning-not so much

  • Informer - 13 years ago

    patent # 6630507. That is all I need to say.

  • Booth McKeown - 13 years ago

    It's been used for medicine for over 5,000 years, that's a fact. It didn't just become a "dangerous drug" in 1937; it was outlawed because it was used primarily by African- and Mexican-Americans. If you want to test it for potency fine, test it. Just let me grow it and use it without fear of arrest or incarceration.

  • Buzzby - 13 years ago

    There is no rational reason why cannabis cannot be integrated into our society in the same way that alcohol has been. By any measure you might care to look at, cannabis is far less dangerous than alcohol. It isn't associated with domestic (or other) violence. It doesn't kill brain cells. It doesn't rot your liver. It is far less likely to be a cause of traffic accidents. Alcohol kills 150,000 Americans every year.

    Tobacco kills 450,000 Americans every year. Cannabis does not cause lung cancer and has anti-cancer properties that produce fewer instances of lung cancer in cigarette smokers who also smoke cannabis.

    In 5,000 years of recorded history, cannabis has not caused a single fatality.

    How many American lives might be saved by legalizing marijuana? How many more years are we going to carry on this ridiculous charade before reason prevails?

  • John Davis - 13 years ago

    Alex does make a good point. This once great nation has gone steadily down hill over the past 70 years or so. We no longer lead the way, we only consume that which other nations produce. If only we knew what happened! What changed to put this county on a downward spiral....Wait didn't prohibition start around 70 years ago? Hmmmmmm

  • A M C TYLER - 13 years ago


  • Dom - 13 years ago

    And I thought this was a democracy... Majority wants legalization so lets make this happen! This is not limited to this obviously skewed poll but in legitimate polls across the nation the majority wins easily.

  • Duncan20903 - 13 years ago

    Alex, with all due respect, please get bent.

    We're not going anywhere.

    You don't have the power to prevent us from enjoying cannabis and we're not going to stop doing so. Cannabis is easily available on demand in almost every nook and cranny of the US. You thinking that you're "allowing us" to enjoy cannabis or not is arrogant and delusional.

    California was the first to criminalize cannabis at the State level in 1913. That means we've got almost a full century of evidence supporting the assertion that it's nothing other than a fool's errand to try to stop us. The only choice you have is whether production, distribution, and quality control is assigned to licensed businesses or is assigned to organized criminal syndicates, some of which see a satchel of disarticulated human heads as a valid messaging system. Choosing the latter is simple minded idiocy. How many more decades of the guaranteed failure of the epic failure of public policy which we call the war on (some) drugs would you subject our society to endure before you admit that you've had your chance, and that you've failed? A century of failure isn't enough for you? Now don't be embarrassed about admitting that you've failed. It's obvious to all except the most delusional enemies of freedom and you guys are fooling no one but yourself. For the 12 months ending June 30, 1969 the US Border Patrol seized a grad total of 57,164 pounds of cannabis. There was no significant domestically produced cannabis in the late 1960s. In the here and now the authorities regularly bust single shipments of cannabis that are larger than was seized for that entire 12 month period. It's only been a few weeks since California authorities announced the first cannabis seizure that they valued at more than a billion with a b dollars. That was a domestic grow.

    It's time for the Know Nothing prohibitionists to face reality.


  • runruff - 13 years ago

    "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you have to focus on" – GW Bush

    "You have to look at the entire Bush Family in this context -- as if the family ran a corporation called ‘Frauds-R-Us,’

    George Jr.’s specialty was insurance and security fraud.

    Jeb’s specialty was oil and gas fraud.

    Neil’s specialty was real estate fraud.

    Prescott’s specialty was banking fraud.

    And George Sr.’s specialty? All of the above." -- Lt. Cmdr. Al Martin, US Navy,(Ret)

    "While opportunism isn’t new in U.S. politics, never did so many in one family extract so many dollars from taxpayers as when George Bush senior was president a decade ago" -- David E. Scheim, author of Contract on America.

    "What you’ve got with Bush [George senior] is absolutely the largest number of siblings and children involved in what looks like a never-ending hustle." -- Republican pundit Kevin Philips

    "Texas businessmen [are] not crooks, "they just have an over-developed sense of the extenuating circumstance."" -- Molly Ivins

    Google " the bush crime family"-see who deals the most drugs?

  • JD - 13 years ago

    There is, simply put, no comparison between the damage done to American families by marijuana versus that done to American families by punishing those who use and/or sell it.

    My son now sits in prison for having sold less than 2 oz of marijuana in a southern state, a first offense. Previously a bright and engaged engineering student, as a felon he now faces a life without opportunity, thousands wasted on legal fees, bail bonds, and an education that will never see the light of day. A soldier who spent his days searching for IEDs in Iraq for nearly a year -- his future snuffed out by a stupid act in a state packed with and run by neanderthals. His days are now numbered by the amount of time he spends watching Oprah reruns on television and killing time, waiting on parole. Never a violent bone in his body, he is locked up with violent criminals and on getting out will have a felony conviction ever-present like a tatoo on his forehead.

    All one can say is our family has made a massive, unsolicited contribution to the drug abuse industrial complex in Louisiana. And we are certain of only one thing: When he is released every friend he'll have left will be convicted felons.

    It is time for it to stop.

    Every person who finds something wrong with this story should get a copy of the following book. It provides the most thorough and credible account of the failure of the War on Drugs in existence:

    He leaves behind a family who are both devastated and helpless against a system that is totally worthless yet costs billions annually. And that excludes the cost of ruined lives of bright people who made a mistake any one of might have made at some point in his/her life.

  • MarshaCRTT - 13 years ago

    Educate, regulate and cultivate!
    In my opinion, the prohibitionists are cartel supporters as well as those who buy black market (Prohibition=Cartels). When legalized people who would “use” marijuana already do, the problem lies in who sells/gives it to them. Cannabis/marijuana and hemp have hundreds of uses. The fact is cannabis is also used as medicine and those who hinder this should be ashamed of themselves! To those prohibitionists who have ever taken any medicine and or ingested alcohol are hypocrites and how dare you! Remember that our government claims to be protecting us, yet several government officials get busted for indiscretions, lies and stealing (those who live in glass houses…!). So why do we continue to believe the negative propaganda and the same blatant lies from these scum-bags. The government refuses to listen to the truth and questions the information collected from the few studies that have been done, even conclusions from other politicians. By the way, there is tons of information on line, look into the history of cannabis. Look into the truth!
    What do these things have in common? Cotton, textiles, paper, plastics, fuel, food, medicine, cancer treatments, shampoos and beauty products, skin care, concrete, insulation, flooring, paper for bibles and Declaration documents etc……. Can all be made by hemp/cannabis, it’s true! Look it up!
    It’s cannabis, not marijuana.
    Sorry to be rude, but when ignorant people keep others from their medicine I feel extreamly insulted, free speech!

  • Chris in WI - 13 years ago

    1970 Nixon signs the controlled substance act. He then commissions a blue ribbon presidential panel to figure out where to place cannabis permanently, since it was only temporarily placed in schedule I waiting this decision.

    1972 The Shafer Commission publishes its findings "Marihuana: a signal of misunderstanding".

    Now go google this and educate yourself. "shafer commission" is enough to tell you who is telling the truth and who is pissing on you while calling it rain.

    Ask yourself this; what if the "potheads" are right and cannabis does the human body far more good then harm? What if that were true... Would you still think locking nonviolent cannabis users by the 800,000 per year was a good use of law enforcement and judicial money/time?

    Do us all a favor and take 10 mins to research this. Then tell everyone! Don't whisper.... SHOUT! This is ALL about freedom and choice and having our rights taken so others can profit. Profit from private jails full of otherwise law abiding citizens. The war on drugs is a war on people.

    50 billion dollars a year for our drug war times 10 years is half a trillion!

  • Tim - 13 years ago

    that looks like a consensus to me

  • John - 13 years ago

    Any questions you have about how cannabis will be controlled, who will sell it, who will produce it etc. can be answered if you look at how alcohol is regulated. It's not hard. Forget all the benefits of smoking pot (more and more are being found every day), all that matters is that as long as you're not hurting others your body is yours to do what you will.

  • josh - 13 years ago

    im 21 years old, just had my gallbladder removed and these pain pills arnt workin. i need some proper medication

  • Jim - 13 years ago

    Woo hoo. I've never seen a poll like this anywhere close to 90% approval. Congratulations CNN pollers. You're among the smart ones who are tired of a prohibition based on lies.

  • givemebombbudorgivemeabruisedbum - 13 years ago

    legalize it. my senior quote Class of '09

    we in this bxtch. now let us endulge in that which is a panacea.



  • Scott - 13 years ago

    Drug prohibition fuels the cartels and criminals. People who use cannabis do so already (but in secret).

    We waste billions on a useless war on drugs, and cannabis users go to jail and become "criminals" while alcoholics are legally drunk. I have tried cannabis and alcohol, and alcohol is much worse (toxic hangover and no ability to think, fights, etc). Cannabis is relaxing and mind opening.

  • Jesse - 13 years ago

    Alex... I won't beat around the bush, your mind is full of the conventional propaganda... Many, many people still believe the "Reefer Madness" b/s, but more are waking up to the truth everyday.

    Like, several studies have shown that active compounds in marijuana actual increase brain cell development, and in seniors can counter the effects of Alzheimer's Disease.

    Remember the swimmer who liked to smoke marijuana, tell him and his 7 Gold medals, that he isn't #1!

  • Mitch - 13 years ago


    Why do we allow people to get drunk? Study after study shows that alcohol is incredibly more dangerous. 80% of all money dedicated to the war on drugs is spent going after marijuana related arrests. Having it remain illegal is completely and utterly illogical. Never once has someone died because of marijuana. How many die each year from tobacco? Alcohol? Prescription drugs? They will never get rid of it, it's time to quit wasting the money we do not have

  • Michael - 13 years ago


    Do you have any idea how much money can be made by the government if they were to control it? First of all, not EVERYONE would start smoking if it were to become legal. You sound like a perfect example of this. It's the same thing with alcohol and tobacco: not everyone does it, and it is simply their choice to do so or not. Not to mention there are millions of Americans who smoke cannabis every day, and it does not impair their ability to work or be educated.

    Sure it can be abused and rarely poses a potential threat to others (like driving while stoned, which RARELY results in accidents), but that is why we have DUI laws. Cannabis has be proven to be safer than alcohol or tobacco, and the prohibition in 1937 was due largely because of racism towards immigrants from Mexico. It is an old law that is clearly not working, and putting thousands of people in prison for the most popular victimless crime.

    Not only would legalizing cannabis benefit the government by taxing it, it would make it much more difficult for adolescents who are not properly educated to get a hold of it. I am 20 years old, and I can say from personal experience that getting access to cannabis is MUCH easier than buying alcohol. Legalizing creates CONTROL over cannabis; which is much more important than trying to find new reasons to keep it illegal.

  • Jeremy - 13 years ago

    Alex we have people abusing alcohol. Butt out and let adults choose what they want to do with their minds and bodies. If we had the right drugs like hallucinogens and marijuana legal then people would actually be much smarter. I have a degree and I was intoxicated the entire time I was attending college, so don't give me that line there is no social benefit. Benefits or not its MY MIND and MY BODY, and the only one thats going to tell me what to do with it is me. So go crack a beer and smoke a cig and stop telling people how to run their lives... I'm sure you have much bigger problems to worry about than your neighbors smoking out.

  • julisa - 13 years ago

    look this is america. if people want to smoke weed they should be able to. people can take painkillers and opiates legally and get terribly addicted(which i have seen and it is not pretty) to these harmful drugs, but since the government controls that, its ok? i see people all the time selling their zanex, and viccoden, percaset, oxycotton, all that shit. why dont they talk about that shit when they complain about drug problems. what we need to do, america, is educate our people and stop being so f#%^& stupid. instead of listening to all the dumb asses that have never tried it or know people that have tried it, start being open minded, you might find that it could help you some day with all the medical research they are doing today. you might find that in the long run it will be better for treating paitients than the hard drugs they try to push on us when we are a little sick. do the research, its the best advice i have to offer on this. LEGALIZE IT! is the way to go folks. god bless america and may all the lives lost on 9/11 be remebered.

  • Alex - 13 years ago

    Derek's argument of having the government selling marijuana is extremely simplified at best; Who would sell the marijuana? Who would produce it? How would it be tested for potency? Would there be a testing agency to ensure guidelines are being followed? Would you really have the FDA go around inspecting marijuana labs? What would you do with the DEA jobs, a lot of which are targeted towards these cartels?

    Also, why should we allow you to get high, just so you can be high? Think about your society, your country, rather than being selfish. We're no longer #1 in the world in science, math, or engineering; how are we supposed to become #1 again if everyone is smoking marijuana? There is literally no possible social benefit from legalizing marijuana, except that people might be "more relaxed".

  • Derek - 13 years ago

    Many cops and border patrol agents support legalization. If you step back and ask a simple question like : Who would you rather sale marijuana? Cartels and gangs or controlled by the Government?

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