Do you agree with what Heather has to say?


  • Mia - 6 years ago

    I've heard them about 2 times now, but last night was the worrrrsssttt. So first of all, both of my parents are both pretty heavy-set so, I can't stop imagining what THAT would look like. Second of all, my room is right next to there's! Thirdly, I really tried to hint at them, because my bunk bed is really squeaky, so I bounced and made it squak, they didn't even bother! And I could hear the smacking of skin, and my mom and dad panting, but mostly I could hear was my heart pounding like mad! And their bed is really squeaky, so eeeehhhhh. I also hinted at them by slamming my door shut, and then they stopped from there. And then my sister came home, and luckily, I finally called asleep from terror after 3 hours!! Anyways, thanks girl, you really helped! ????????

  • Julia - 6 years ago

    Thank you so much I told my mum anyway before I read this and this really helped to explain it because I didn’t really get it before so thank you so much

  • Shaliah - 6 years ago

    This was so helpful thx

  • Shreya Jha - 7 years ago

    same thing happened with me 1 year i tried to be quite but one night i spoke to them and they started ignoring me from that day .was i wrong but it was untolerable for me i can understand but my small brother . I am all alone living with them but still alonr

  • skylar berger - 8 years ago

    I have a lesbian mother and I hear her all the time. Though it is gross I have my bestfriend to talk to and i told her and she has the same problem. So on a sheet of notebook paper we wrogh down
    what to do when you hear your parents having sex
    find good headphones
    listen to good loud music nothing slow or romantic
    dance to the music if it is still weird
    text a bestfriend about it (only someone you can trust)
    or go and make popcorn and watch a action or horror movie
    and if that does not work then play with a pet or take it out to go to the bathroom so it can go
    i have only had to youse the last one 2 times in 6 years so you should be good without it

    good luck ;)

  • Joy - 8 years ago

    I remember as a child hearing my mother and I grew up thinking she was disgusting. Now just this morning I was subjected to hearing my teen on skype being very innappropriate. Brought back disgusting memories. I don't understand, do they want to be heard? It almost seems that way. Anyhow, my teens phone was taken away, for how long, I don't know. But I will not be tortured a second time around. Too bad you can't ground your parents for not knowing how to be discreet. I'm a mom and I don't even do that mess since having a baby.

  • Anon - 8 years ago

    Uughhh, its so gross when I can hear it. They are in there right now!!! This is probably the fifth time its happened where I could hear it, and they've only been together a year!!! I have music playing now but its still too loud, smh...

  • Autum - 9 years ago

    I woke up one morning early and my mom going oh oh oh and i didn't know what to do

  • Lyn - 11 years ago

    Take a video

  • Lindsay Patterson - 11 years ago

    This stuff gets really awkward...mine are doing it right now....and i hear's so disturbing!
    I told my mum that i could hear them *doing it*, but she just thought it was a joke, giggled, and put it off to the side.! But have you spoken about it to them yet?

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