Where should 'Mockingjay' be split into two parts?


  • Maridee Waller - 10 years ago

    It should not end with Finnick or Prims death because that is way too far into the book, there would be almost nothing left to show. Hunger Games and Catching Fire both ended with cliff hangers and in my opinion the biggest cliff hanger is where Peeta starts to choke Katniss. They may have him do that and take the screen shot to her face and just make the screen go BLACK as they did with the first two movies. For the people who did not read the books they would in total suspense and want to see part two immediately and is that not what the directors want? That is my honest opinion.

  • tribute - 10 years ago

    It should be split at chapter 19 when they go to the Capitol.

  • Smart fan - 10 years ago

    It should totally be split when Katniss gets shot. This is an action movie, and splitting the movie when Petta strangles Katniss would be to early, and the movie wouldn't of had enough suspense or action yet. I know I know, it would be an awesome cliff hanger, but the movie also needs about three or four suspensul action scenes whee the characters are in danger and could possibly die. Just like in hunger games and catching fire, there needs to be a certain amount of action and suspense to make a good movie. We don't want to watch Katniss mope around and then suddenly get strangled and that be the first true threat to Katniss, and then oops it's over! There needs to be a balance of action in mocking jay one and two. Of course, not exactly the same amount, the second half of mocking jay will definetly have more action and suspense, but it just wouldn't work for the first mocking jay to be relitively calm and the second be a hep load of action, murder, suspense, danger...etc. Anyway I'll stop ranting, thanks for reading this.

  • Tony - 10 years ago

    I have researched this and I can almost assure you that it will end when she gets shot in District 2 after a defiant, powerful speech where she begs reluctant people to join in fighting the Capitol because it is the epitome of her role as the Mockingjay in the revolution in it is pretty much in the middle of the book.. This is what the whole book is about: REVOLUTION and it showcases the themes of the series clearly: consequences of war, political corruption, standing up for the cause you believe in.. Also Lionsgate has given hints about where it will end in casting announcements since it states that certain characters will only be in Part 2 (Homes, the Leegs) and most are in BOTH parts specifically Commander Lyme who's introduced in District 2 way after the Peeta/Katniss reunion which is way early in the book and not much happens beforehand and it would be difficult to then adapt Part 2 after that since ALOT happens after that scene so it would be pretty bloated with information so with this evidence I can hope that it ends when Katniss gets shot since it seems it would be an effective cliffhanger

  • I Read Stuf - 10 years ago

    I think it may end with either (spoilers) Finnick or Prim's death. Wasn't Jennifer Lawrence hospitalized because she was in a TUNNEL (where Finnick dies) with a smoke machine that broke? They were filming, at least I think they were, part 1. Then just add some detail to the epilogue and after the deaths? I don't know. But I did read that Effie would be in part 1, and her first appearance in Mockingjay is after Prim's death. I may be wrong, here, but personally, I think it'll end with Prim yelling, "Katniss!" and then there's the explosion and whatever amazing song they pick for the credits off the soundtrack. Where Katniss gets shot is also a really good cliffhanger, because people who didn't read the book will be like, "what the fudge did I just watch". But, Annie Cresta is also going to be in part 1, so we have to see them be rescued. Leading up to where the victors are in Thirteen being the best of the choices. That also being said, it also can't be when Thirteen is attacked, because Annie isn't even seen by then, unless there are some background images of the torture going on in the Capitol. Wow, I just realized how many spoilers I just gave out. Anyways, so in part 1, they're in a tunnel, and Annie and Effie are in it, so it's after the bombing. And I just realized my statement is invalid. It could be when she gets shot, but that'd be kind of a cliche ending, wouldn't it? Main character is shot, blackness? A lot of answers for where the movie will end need some thought out work. I don't actually think any of this three will beit, considering we get to see Effie.

  • a huge fan and reader - 10 years ago

    i think it shouldn't be split, but it is going to be. i think it should be split when they start making plans to go to the capital to capture snow.

  • Emily - 11 years ago

    It shouldn't be split.

  • THGevermellar - 11 years ago

    I think it's a bad idea. Harry potter 7 I understand why was split up, because it is a huge book, too much detail to put into a 2 1/2 hour movie. But mockingjay however, is like 400 pages less then Harry potter 7. You really don't need the whole two part scenario.

  • Trevor Batson - 11 years ago

    I'm happy to see a lot of people voted for option 2. You see when I read the books, I found that each played on a specific element to further the reader's interest. The first book played on emotional heart-strings so to speak with scenes like Rue's death for example. The second book played on pacing; it was just one thing after another by the fifth or sixth chapter it's hard to put down. The third book however played on the element of surprise, and this is where it gets interesting. Out of all the books in the series, the "ONLY" moment where I felt the conscious need to put the book down and take a pause of reflection because I was so shocked by what I had just read that it was virtually unbelievable to me, the end of chapter 12, Peeta is rescued from the Capitol, Katniss rushes to the hospital room so ecstatic to see him alive and relatively in one piece, only to be chocked out! That's how it should be, Katniss enters the room with joy and relief on her face, and as soon as she gets close to him, he lunges for her, and as soon as his hands are around her neck, the screen immediately cuts to black and then the credits roll. That would make for an amazing cliffhanger.

  • The biggest Peeta Mellark fan - 12 years ago

    I think it should end right after she agrees to go to District Two. I think then the audince will say, "Aww man I want to know about District Two" when Mockingjay 1 ends.

  • Ingvild - 12 years ago

    It shouldn't be.
    I agree with "a reader."

  • Lynn - 12 years ago

    I think it should be cut off at the very end of chapter 10. You know right after Prim says "Whatever it takes to break you." Then it cuts to the credits. I think that would be a great ending to the first part also that would make everyone want to watch the 2nd part of the film.

  • a book clubber - 12 years ago

    I agree that they should keep it to one movie but if they have. Already decided there isnt much to say. I want to re read to hink again. Not sure i like either option. I do however feel strongly hat it was extreemly in character for katnis to side with coin only to kill her later. Remember coin had her sister killed. The whole premise of her volunteering was to save prim. There really was no other choice for her to make. She knew snow was dead already anyway. But coin was about to continue he status quo. She was having none of that.

  • somebody who loves the hunger games - 12 years ago

    I prefer When katniss is shot. I have almost finish the whole book. And I think if the scene where katniss is shot is on the big screen, it would be better. Like... Katniss watches herself got shot. Hit her. Then the screen blacks out, then says: to be continued. It will be very intriguing, leaving everyone to watch the second half!! Hope to see the Hunger Games 2 and 3 on screen soon :)

  • HARRY COPELAND - 12 years ago

    Although I chose the third split idea (if the third book Mockingjay is made into separate films), I really think the film producers should stick with the original trilogy, making only one film instead of two of the third book . The material could easily be adapted for a three hour film, wwith some rewrites, especially the last third of the book. I was greatly disappointed that Collins, with all due respect to her as a brilliant author, made Katniss' role anticlimactic as the major action seemed to revolve more around the invasion of the Capitol by District 13. Also, I was caught off guard when Katniss killed the District 13 leader instead of President Snow. Killing Snow then later in a showdown with the Distgrict 13 leader, Katniss remains more in the forefront by disposing of her, too, paving the way for a new leader of the freed people. One final point: It was my feeling that there was too much emphasis on the team making its way underground to the Capitol, diminshing the impact of District 13's massive assault. Katniss goes to so much trouble getting into the Capitol to be relegated being placed to a questionable role of assassinator only. What else does she contribute to the big invasion. It seems she should have been more at the forefront of the attack, then have a confrontation with District 13's president.

  • a Father - 12 years ago

    This book is a very, very dark book in alot of ways and would have some major shortfalls if done as 'true' as the first film was. The best part would be to keep most of the major themes and storys in the book and use the 2nd film as a retelling of the part of murder-hunt in the capital. They Should strongly consider all the throw away deaths in the last half of this book, since it disrespects the reader/viewer. The would be better served to go with a rewrite and have it be more heroic/against-all-odds, both for the purpose of the story and the target audience.....because lets be honest, Drug abuse, murder, suicide, dismemberment, child murder.......thats a Hard R rating.

  • a reader - 12 years ago

    It's really unnecessary to split the book into 2 films. Unlike Harry Potter 7, which had too much written material for a single movie, this one could easily be one film. There really is not more action in this book than in Hunger Games or Catching Fire. It is a Scrooge McDuck move. I'm getting really tired of the culture of greed in this country.

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