Vote for the NSSN Local Band


  • MichaelKerosene - 12 years ago

    It's actually quite sad to see all the flaming and bashing that's going on here... I got to say, pending whether or not any of these bands are full of jerks, they don't really deserve some of the bad things people are saying about them on here. Local music is a community, and if you're in a band and you're talking trash on here because you didn't make it in to the Top 20, then you're going to have a lot of enemies.

    Word gets around pretty fast. Bands know bands, bands know venues, venues know promoters, promoters know radio DJs, and guess what... it all funnels back to LIVE105.

    If you're band didn't get in to the Top 20, then don't take it personally, it just means you'll probably have to network your sound a little more and then you'll be considered next year. Who knows, I'll probably even vote for you!

    - M. Kerosene

  • heyasshole - 12 years ago

    @Jesus & Mary love Dandy Warhol & Brian Jonestown

    Hey asshole,
    There's no reason to put down the bands on here, just because your band didn't make it on here. Maybe they didn't pick you band, because they didn't think you'd be a good fit.

    P.S. I listened to your band. Maybe, you should spend more time writing songs, instead of jerking off to yourself.

  • Spaceman Three - 12 years ago

    Maybe you all just need to eat some acid or something

  • Jesus & Mary love Dandy Warhol & Brian Jonestown - 12 years ago

    But really, everything I'm saying is just skepticism. I don't know these things for a fact but it does seem pretty likely. I entered my band thinking our new single had a good chance to get on it considering Jack White was open and were into 60s rock revival like he is. Unfortunately we weren't chosen and it definitely made me wonder what I'm doing even making music if we couldn't make the top 20 over some of these bands....Maybe I'm just trying with the wrong station. 107.7 The Bone played our single one week after they received it from us. Were a bunch of 20 year olds living in the 60s, there's no room for us here :) Here's our submission if you care to listen to a non-top-20 reject!

  • Dandy Warhol - 12 years ago

    Oarsmen, you guys are one of the bands that they stuck in there to make it seem like it was a fair choosing of 20 bands. They had to throw some in there to make it seem unbiased. Funny thing is the ones they threw in there are the ones that pose the least amount of threat.

    I guess it all doesn't matter though since bands are apparently using bots to vote as someone said below.

    Too bad Jack White doesn't have time to pick the bands or we could've had some interesting options to vote for.

  • TheOarsmen - 12 years ago

    @Brian Jonestown: We've been in existence since June, so we don't know anyone yet that would have any kind of clout or influence whatsoever to include us in this mix. We got lucky, we're happy to be here, and enjoying the ride.

    In other news, if anyone's interested, we're playing a show tonight at Rockit Room, 406 Clement St. SF, 8pm. Come hang out and we'll have a pint or two.

  • Brian Jonestown - 12 years ago

    First off the interns at Live 105 picked their friends bands to enter.

    Second off theres only about 2 or 3 bands on here that even make sense playing with Jack White/The Shins etc.

    If Jack White heard these bands he'd be appalled.

    If I had to choose, completely unbiased it would be Drop Dead Sixty and they aren't even really my cup of tea.

    This is a joke

  • everyonecheats - 12 years ago

    Most of the bands on here cheated. There's no way you can have even 2% of the votes on here without having voted a few thousand times. None of these bands have that many fans, so if they're not cheating than someone is cheating for them. It's a shame, but at the end of the day contests like this don't really matter. Even if you play in an arena, if your band sucks it's not gonna do any good. I've played venues in front of a couple thousand people, but if people don't like your band, it doesn't matter anyways. My advice to the rest of the bands; keep playing shows, go on tour, release your records and try to be the best band possible.

  • Lets all be friends - 12 years ago

    I don't have any animosity towards any bands wether they are using bots or not. We all want the same thing and that is to spread our music. We should be all trying to set up some shows together

  • D - 12 years ago

    Having a show last doesn't connect with them going from 0% to front runner in the days before. Prior to Thanksgiving they had no votes. Now they beat the band that's already admitted they used a vote bot (Hear the Sirens)...

  • Smashly - 12 years ago

    Actually Our Vinyl Vows had a show last night with Trapt and totally rocked it, saw many fans asking how to vote for them for nssn

  • D - 12 years ago

    Honestly, this competition is a sham, and that is how it has been for years. The winner is whoever wants to cheat the most, that is all. It is no way a measure of a bands popularity, sort of ruins it for me personally...

  • seemslegit - 12 years ago

    So the nice thing about Our Vinyl Vows is that they've gone from like nothing to 40% overnight (11/27-11/28). That totally doesn't seem like someone just figured out how to use a bot or anything. I guess Hear the Sirens weren't the only smarties in the class.

  • Nick - 12 years ago

    Hear the sirens... holy shit talk about a good live band. I hope they win. I would go just to see them again.

  • Gayle Princeau - 12 years ago

    Awesome music! My daughter's FAVORITE!!!!

  • POUNDERS - 12 years ago

    Officially we are so excited and grateful to be included in this! ALL BANDS deserve to be on this poll and have worked so hard to get recognized. The Bay Area scene has been growing in the last year and has been VERY impressive. And we are proud to represent the BAY like all these bands that are in this poll. Hopefully you took time to listen to all the bands... Cause no matter who wins, "being heard" is the most important thing. In this past year, we opened for ALKALINE TRIO, played the MAIN STAGE at SF PRIDE, opened for TRAPT, released our new album "HARD DIRTY AND FAST", and a new music video for our single SCREAM AND LET IT GO. PLEASE check us out on facebook or youtube! We would like to give a special thanks to Aaron Axelesen for putting this contest together EVERY year and being one of the leading supporters in LOCAL MUSIC in the bay area. Good luck to all the bands! We salute you!

  • ChillinWithBelcho - 12 years ago

    @ Oarsmen, I like your optimistic attitude. Realistically, you don't have a chance at winning this contest with certain bands using BOTS to enhance thier vote counts. I wont mention names.. . But you, (and the other bands playing fairly), made it to the top 20 and you DO have great exposure! For free no less! Thats gotta count for something. Well done, men.

  • garrett is right - 12 years ago

    i do agree garrett; the comments section have become upsetting to read. lets take our negative energy out and turn that into positivity to help the bands we are voting for win!

  • garrett - 12 years ago

    french cassettes are a rare find....damn good band..high energy shows that are fun to be a part of..lots of moody people in this comment section. damn.

  • Nihlist - 12 years ago

    Light the rockets...hear the sirens...why are these pop-punk bands always telling me what to do all the time?!?! $#%@ YOU I WONT DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!!!

  • htsdude - 12 years ago

    Hear The Sirens deserve whatever they get from this. I've had their band play at my venue multiple times over the last few years. I've seen them grow from a bunch of punk kids fresh out of high school, to being a great rock band that has accomplished so much on their own. They're the nicest and funnest group of guys, and I hope they win this. I bought tickets early on, because I wanted to see The Gaslight Anthem. Now, I'm hoping to see another one of my favorite bands play.

  • Dalan - 12 years ago

    I really think that the French Cassettes should play NSSN. I've seen them live a few times and they put on an incredible live show. Maybe I'm a little biased because we made a music video together for their song, Mouth Drum.

    Seriously, I think you should vote for them and check them out when they're playing next. You won't regret it.

  • east coast **** you - 12 years ago

    listen children,

    just because you own pink floyds the dark side of the moon does not entitled you to an opinion based on these sorry excuse for talent show acts. if you want to be band, go tour, dont just play san jose, do you think HTS may have fans from the coast to help them, because like a real band they went and played shows. if your band hasnt played gilman 942 get out of the door because thats where green day started. start like a real band and not on facebook. play shows play tours play your instruments. stop complaining and go do something active.


  • clearly our friend from The Oarsmen has said it best. its pretty amazing to be put in a crew with so many solid bands. regardless of who wins, we should consider getting together on some shows down the line. thats why we all do this right? cheers

    btw, our EP is out there for free for anyone who wants it,

    we're at the El Rio with another solid band, Worth Taking, 12/6

  • Dogcatcher - 12 years ago

    Free Music:

    We really appreciate the support you've shown by voting and sharing with your friends. It means a lot to us.

    So, check it out: For the remainder of the Live 105 Not So Silent Night Local Band Contest while we've got a little attention, we're putting up BOTH of our records for FREE on Bandcamp. For you. Go get em.

    When the NSSN contest ends, "Be Easy" will go back to $5 and "KILR" will go to $10.

    It's Easy -

    KILR -


  • StillNASH - 12 years ago

    played gigs with Fossil Tree. They didn't show and didn't even bother calling.
    - Lame.

  • UP&GO-Esteban - 12 years ago

    "TheOarsmen- yesterday

    I gotta say that in my mind, we've already won. This is free promo for our group and we are extremely excited to have been included in the top 20. Not bad for a band that's been together less than 6 months and gigged out through February 2013. BTW, Rockit Room, SF 11/29! Good luck to all of the bands!"

    ^^^ Agreed. Great to be even included in this.
    Please take a moment to listen to my band UP&GO's first single available at the voting page.
    It's our first release from our upcoming EP "Taking Off"

    PS: was anyone else notified of even being selected or told an terms about this after being selected. I wasn't sent an email or anything just found out by seeing our shit up there. I guess you can vote more then once a day? Either way. W/E

  • TheOarsmen - 12 years ago

    @ustoo We've only been able to muster up a 3 song demo. I checked Fossil Tree yeah.

  • anon - 12 years ago

    curious quail ftw

  • switzerland - 12 years ago

    where as much as i do agree that you should never judge a band or entity by facebook likes or anything that has to do with social media outlets, it would also be foolish to not recognize that these are massive tools to help bands generate a message and a fanbase. you cant point the blame on any one person in particular, but to bash someone for simply pointing out that someone with 1/4 the general outreach than another and still have a higher percentage shouldnt be ignored. im no math expert but it is common sense. lets not degrade our intelligence people!

  • ustoo - 12 years ago

    @oarsmen. fossil tree has only been together for 5 months so yeah, they already have a kickass album and also have out their new single. check them out @

  • bonerpatrol - 12 years ago

    Hear The Sirens are easily the best pick. I've seen them at Bottom Of The Hill and Gilman and I've seen them in a Basement. Wherever they play they get the crowd going every time.

  • ThatClearChannelSound - 12 years ago

    My username says it all. Vote for the cleanest, overproduced, "That Thing You Do" poppy sound that works as an aphrodisiac for sheep.

  • Dirty Dave - 12 years ago

    You gotta see & hear "Hear the Sirens" in a LIVE show because
    they are the shit. I have been monitoring their motion upward
    since they started doing shows in the dank ass hollows where
    true punk always starts. You gotta vote for HTS....

  • indiequick - 12 years ago

    Hey @dontbfcknchetin - You might want to do your research. As a friend of the band Dogcatcher, I can legitimately say that they're playing quite a few shows. This past weekend 11/16-18 they played Art Boutiki down in San Jose and then the next night they played in Sacremento.

    The PREVIOUS weekend they played friday night in Mountain View and then Saturday night in San Francisco. It's a trio of 3 dudes who hold full time jobs and still manage to play the Fillmore Poster room consistently - including during the Crosby, Stills & Nash show. Check yo-self.

  • RB - 12 years ago

    I find it odd you can make some of these comments.
    While you could argue that most of these bands don't play many shows, nor "legitimate" shows, they were selected for a reason.

    If you really give a shit, why don't you actively help the band you like rather than posting negative and equally inane comments about bands you don't like.

    You're contributing to why the music scene isn't as good as it could be.

  • LoveForQuail - 12 years ago

    Quail has recently released an amazing new album. They represent the South Bay scene and are ALL OVER THE PLACE. They've been featured in many South Bay venues, blogs, and news articles. Their fan base is varied and dedicated. Many of these bands are all over the place and all are incredibly talented. If you haven't heard of them... Maybe you should go to more shows and become more familiar with the local music scene.

    I am not a member of ANY of these bands. Just a fan. Deal with it, vote, and accept that the bands here have all gotten here on their own merit. Now it's up to their fans.

  • DontHaet - 12 years ago

    Curious Quail has had an average of two bay area shows per month since April, has played SubZERO Festival, Daydream Nation, Silicon Valley Sound Experience (Winner of Best Song), and has been featured in the METRO no less than five times, including a full-page interview.

    How is that "nothing cool" or "doesn't play shows"?

  • TheOarsmen - 12 years ago

    I gotta say that in my mind, we've already won. This is free promo for our group and we are extremely excited to have been included in the top 20. Not bad for a band that's been together less than 6 months and gigged out through February 2013. BTW, Rockit Room, SF 11/29! Good luck to all of the bands!

  • theyaintcheatin - 12 years ago

    dontbfckincheatin; most of the people in those bands are posting heavily and, though you think they haven't fans, they have lots from other endeavors and bands PLUS friends. Chill, don't be mad cause you're losing.

  • dontbeignorant - 12 years ago

    Excuse me, but im a fan and i know many people that are fans of them they do play many shows, let me rephrase that as many Awesome shows, so dont be a hater if you dont know your info. just because you havent heard of them doesnt mean they dont have fans or play shows, get your facts straight dude dont be ignorant

  • dontbehatin - 12 years ago

    dude dont hate. i know some of these bands r doing shows. trust me. i know. i go to all of them. dont hate

  • dontcryformeargentina - 12 years ago

    don't complain and how would you know if they don't have fans i'm one and I spread the word out .Its called spreading the word and people voting so sorry u don't have those skills and u probably suck ahahahahahah don't be such a grump

  • dontbfckincheatin! - 12 years ago

    I find it hard to believe that Dogcatcher, Curious Quail or Fossil Tree are winning this thing legitimately, since none of them play any shows, have any fans or do anything remotely cool. Whoever is running this thing should probably look into that.....

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