Mutt or purebred: Which do you think makes a better family dog?


  • megan rogers - 14 years ago

    I H8 DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • dezaree davies - 14 years ago

    i think both because all dogs should be treated the same :P

  • Lewis Johnson - 14 years ago

    I'm going to make this short and sweet. If you want to help a beweldered animal that will love you tons for it I think that you should get a mutt. I've had them and they'll make you believe that there is a human sole inside of them. I love em so much its redicculous. They are smart, loyal, forgiving and all of the things that you'll find in a purebred.
    But if you want a pretty dog that is bred for a certain look get a purebred. simple as that!

  • Beth - 14 years ago

    Give me a mutt anytime. Unlike a purebreed, they are a "one of a kind". If one person has a Black Lab and his neighbor has a Black Lab, they both look alike. My dog is a MUTT and she is perfect. Looks like no other, trained easy, perfect temperment, well mannered. Got her from the pound and in return she has given me 10 years of sheer pleasure, When the sad day comes and she passes, after I recover from her lose, I will go back to the pound and get another dog. No fancy pants dog for me, give me rough and ready.

  • Christina - 15 years ago

    Well, with purebreds you know what you are expecting, while with mutts you NEVER know. As an American Pit Bull Terrier breeder, I have to put purebred, but I believe that mutts make just as good pets!


    P.S. ALWAYS RESCUE! Even as a breeder, I do!

  • JLHallNo3 - 15 years ago

    I have 2 mutts and 2 purebreeds. 1 of each inside and out. My inside purebreed is a very loving wiener dog that just likes to snuggle and the mutt is a ball of energy chi-wiener that is everyones best friend. The outside purebreed is a Jack-Russle that loves everyone and the mutt St lab that loves to catch frisby and play fetch. So in my eyes all dogs are created the same and should all be loved as members of the family. So you say your purebreeds are better, I say my mutts are better. You say your mutts are better, I say my purebreeds are better.

  • Jeanie - 15 years ago

    We as a family have always had what you call a "mutt" in our home. These wonderful dogs were and are such loyal companions to us. These mutts would have been destroyed if they would not have been adopted and it breaks my heart to think that our lives would not have included each and every one of them. Our Muffin passed away after 18 years of living a healthy happy life. I would NEVER choose a purebred after having the mutts my family has had!

  • Tina - 15 years ago

    Mutts are better; less health problems and they seem to know how lucky they are to be rescued, just my opinion ;-)

  • DOMINICK RESEP - 15 years ago


  • jenniver - 15 years ago

    i agree with jessie ally whoever you are dont judge cause if you do people will judge you right back.

  • jessie - 15 years ago


  • jessie - 15 years ago

    Personally i think mutts are better because as said in the article, they come with little miss matched parts and just over all are DORKIER i would know i've got three mutts and each of them are DORKS in their own SPECIAL way(s)THANKS FOR CONSIDERING MY COMMENT, OR NOT WHATEVER TA TA PEOPLES!=-]

  • Gigi123:) - 15 years ago

    muts are so much better!

  • Gigi123:) - 15 years ago

    muts are so much better!

  • ally - 15 years ago

    I do not agree with lex mutts are stinky,ugly,dirty things not animals

  • CJ - 15 years ago

    I doesn't matter which one is better. All that matters is that you and the dog are happy.

  • lex - 15 years ago

    WHAT in the world do 15,250 people want with a stuck up purebred.I'm not being mean or anything, I'm just saying I think mutts are way better than a pruebred that may be horrible are may be sweet like my to dogs carls and annie. I am so sorryif I hurt anyones fellings about not thinking that purebreds won't be or are'not as good as mutts are anythig like that

  • Jon - 15 years ago

    Emily commented that adopting a puppy perpetuates the problem by making more room in shelters. There is absolutely no logic in this comment. The people not fixing there dogs and the homeless dogs aren't thinking whether or not there is room in a shelter before they breed. I would love for someone to explain and ounce of reason in that argument.

  • laurene1 - 15 years ago


    You have NO IDEA what you are talking about. You can't combine immunity. Basically, immunity comes from vaccinations or being exposed to a disease. Actually mutts have a greater chance of carrying genetic disease because of their mixed background.

  • bavid - 15 years ago

    if you have a mutt the chances of the getting sick are slimmer than a purebred
    because, if you mix breads you can combined their immunity to diseases and they could fight diseases better. plus mutts are cheaper.

  • Charlotte - 15 years ago

    The comment that the person named Emily said - I think it was one of the first ones - has said something I don't agree with. She said that we should support breeders because they make a living off of it. A responsible is one that breeds ou tof pure passion, not for the money. I think a purebred makes a better pet because they are more predictable and you have a pretty good idea of what to expect. I don't mean to put Emily on the spot or anything=). I also don't like how in the article, you are only saving a life if you buy a homeless mutt. They are purebreds homeless too! Wouldn't that count as saving a life?

  • Laurene1 - 15 years ago

    What a total crock of crap about breeders sending dogs to shelters if they are not the correct size. I just heard PeTA spouting this crud on a radio show. Breeders SELL them as pets, not turn them into shelters. Doesn't even make sense. You guys have been listening to PeTA and H$U$ propaganda too long. Wake up and realize this whole puppy mill horror you are all up in arms about is fabricated using a few bad operations which are exploited my animal rights fanatics to make everyone think all breeders are horrible so that eventually...little by little they take your pets away. IF YOU LOVE YOUR PETS...Wake up people. The people pushing this crap want NO human/animal interation at all.

  • Melba Fern Daniel - 15 years ago

    I have 4 pure breed mutts.They all wound up at the Humane Society for verious reasons.I have a schipperke who was too big,so he was a throw away.He is my guard dog as well as back warmer.He would give his life for me.I have 3 Poodles. One was two inches too tall to be to be a minature and too small for a standard.By the time he wound up at the shelter he was bones ligiments and hide. Not any musle.He waighed 1/3 what he should have.I have had him 15 years now. He is very smart and never leaves my side.One of my poodles was lost and never claimed .The other was left in a kennel at the shelter door.She was about 4 and had never been groomed.They are all wonderful dogs.Why encourage puppy mills.Their are to many at the shelter that need you and they will show you unrestraimed love.If your not going to show why go to a breeder.Mixes are great to .Usually healther than pure breeds also. If you want a "designer dog" shelters have them. Melba Fern

  • Melba Fern Daniel - 15 years ago

    Virginia is right.If you buy from a breeder never buy unless you see where the puppy was kept with mom and littermates. Remember the cute little pups you see at Flea markets and First monday or what ever, are outlets for puppy mills.Plus you are very likely to get a sick dog.If you could see the situations I have seen in the puppy mills you would be sick.Please dont incourage them by buying their pups.If people didnot buy ,they would not breed.

  • Melba Fern Daniel - 15 years ago

    I have 4 pure breed mutts.They all wound up at the Humane Society for verious reasons.I have a schipperke who was too big,so he was a throw away.He is my guard dog as well as back warmer.He would give his life for me.I have 3 Poodles. One was two inches too tall to be to be a minature and too small for a standard.By the time he wound up at the shelter he was bones ligiments and hide. Not any musle.He waighed 1/3 what he should have.I have had him 15 years now. He is very smart and never leaves my side.One of my poodles was lost and never claimed .The other was left in a kennel at the shelter door.She was about 4 and had never been groomed.They are all wonderful dogs.Why encourage puppy mills.Their are to many at the shelter that need you and they will show you unrestraimed love.If your not going to show why go to a breeder.Mixes are great to .Usually healther than pure breeds also. If you want a "designer dog" shelters have them. Melba Fern

  • Kelly Ganson - 15 years ago

    I don't think it should matter if the pup is a mutt or a purebred, as long as you give him/her a good home, love them, spoil them and treat them with the respect that you yourself would want to be treated with. Too many people get a dog -- or a cat for that matter -- and once the little one wears out cuteness (i.e. grows up), the baby is no longer wanted. Or the baby is treated badly. This cannot continue. They may be animals, but so are we. They may not speak our language, but we can try harder to understand them and take better care of them. Mutt or purebred? I love both, and if I had a huge house I'd have them all!

  • Mark - 15 years ago

    my only fear of purebreds is that they seem to have LARGE vet bills for hereditary problems.
    a mutt, seems to avoid these. as mentioned a resuce dog is the best way to get a pet for the family. just make sure everyone understands the responsiblity of having a new family member.

  • Zoey Austin - 15 years ago

    NO WAY,mutts are better house pets than purebreads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Zoey Austin - 15 years ago

    NO WAY,mutts are better house pets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • in love - 15 years ago

    I can't believe that people think that PBs are better than mutts. I've had mutts all my life and each one of them are and were way more behaved than all of my friends PBs. It's plain and simple, i believe that mutts make better dogs because they have a lot of different characteristics, and that they have the abilities of many different dogs too. like my one dog I had, who ran away from little puppies because he didn't want to hurt them. while on the otherhand, my friend had a pure bread who did injur a dog in a dog park. (She was never allowed back again.) Also my current dog has such a great and diverse personality that he's almost human. He knows what you mean when you ask him a yes or no question. but his funniest one is his good boy or bad boy one. he always wags his tail and smiles when you ask him if he is a bad boy. I love him sooooo much.

  • haille - 15 years ago

    all dogs are good.evry dog has their bad things and good things abt really doesnt matter which ype as long as you guys ar hapy

  • Danielle - 15 years ago

    I like both, but whats wrong with a mutt, there cute and most of the time end up being nice. Pure breeds, people think there Pure Breed is the top when it's not. I like both, so why do you guys think pure breed is better??

  • Cay - 15 years ago

    It doesnt matter what sort of dog it is, it matters whats inside.
    I dont like when people say that Pures are better, cause its not there fault mutts are mutts. I have 5 muts, and 8 pures, and it doesnt matter! I love them all the same!

  • Acadianna Sumlin - 15 years ago

    I think that pure breeds and mutts are a good pet because i have them both. Most people i know have mutts so i vote for both. They all are dogs so whats the difference. I think we should get along.Espeacilly because we like different things. So what do you like??????????

  •'s lover - 15 years ago

    i totally want to fuck you luver call me at 1-573-568-2423

  • Taylor Swift - 15 years ago

    Hey Guys listen to my advise Mutts are much pretter* there like so cute luv Taylor

  • Mariah Allen - 15 years ago

    I think that a pure bread is pretter but sometimes a mutt is cutter I have 2 purebread and 3 mutts and they are all very smexy!!!!!! I am 13 years old if you want to contact me on my house or cell house 1-573-568-3697 cell 820-8260 Luv you guys oh and i live in Bloomfield Mo. Dogs and hottt guys are so cute..

  • Jenna - 16 years ago

    Dogs and other animals are sweet and loving if u care for them the right way so what i think is that it shouldn't matter if it a mute or a purebred you should buy or adopt or whatever you want to call it from from a shelter or a store. I bought a purebrd and 2 mutes they are all nice sweet and loving dogs i love them very much. and you shouldn't care either.

  • Bella's Proud Mama - 16 years ago

    I'm sorry, but MUTTS are the BEST!!! They have so much more character than purebreads. They are the best. I have had both, but really, go mixed bread all the way!

  • slutt that wants 2 cyber! - 16 years ago

    im so horny im 15 im a female and im a whore so if u guys only think u wanna have a go under the sheets email me at .""""""

  • tessa harmeling - 16 years ago

    hi im tessa and even if im 12 i have 2 mutts and they r wonderful animals and i love them to death i have had a few pure breade but they tend to missbehave while my big mut mazie and little one scooter are loyal all the way however in value purebreads r better but i will still always love my animals (muts ) and nothing wiill ever change that so if i was getting another animal i would totally go mutt!

  • Air-i-kuh - 16 years ago

    I believe that mutts are WAY better than pure breds!! mutts are the animals you find in pounds and shelters unlike little pure breds who are with their stupid owner who breed them.....Plus i have a cute little mutt named reba and and she is way better than my friends pure bred sheltie that shows....i think that mutts should be the ones being bought from pounds so they dont lose their lifes all thanks to stupid gay breeders.....they make better pets, WATCH AND SEE!!!!

  • Angelica - 16 years ago

    All dogs are wonderful I dnt think it matters witch one is best to have but as long as you and the dog are happy.

  • gay - 16 years ago

    gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#################################################################################################################$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))())()())()()()()())()()()())O()))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))90o909)090909090909909090000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkgggggggggggggggggggg8uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxgggggxxggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggnhnnnnnnnn

  • Emilee K - 16 years ago

    I think mutts make much better pets because they are the best of more breeds.They also are healthier if not inbreed.That would save you money.

  • maddy - 16 years ago

    pure breds tend to be more aggresive than family has had a mutt for eleven years now and she is the best dog ever. she will play with anyone and has never bitten anybody. she has never had any allergies and i suggest a mutt for people with children.

  • Virginia Gibbs - 16 years ago

    I have been involved with dog rescue in Iowa for over 10 years. I have seen things you would not believe. All dogs need good homes, "mutts" as well as purebreds. Here are a few suggestions:

    If you decide to get a dog from a breeder, first be absolutely sure they are not running a puppy mill where condition are horrendous. Insist on seeing the puppy at the place it was born. Then, if you see bad conditions you can report them and save many dogs. And never adopt purebred puppies from the back of a truck!

    Second, if you decide to adopt from a breeder, ask them if they are also involved in rescue of their breed. Too many breeders make money selling puppies but then turn to people like me to rescue the dogs that end up in bad situations. I suggest that if a breeder does not rescue, you ask them to begin doing so since you will not adopt from them until they do.

    Finally - there are many wonderful dogs in shelters. Some are purebred and others are intriguing and unique mixes. Al need homes and have been screened. First stop when looking for a new dog:

  • Cassie - 16 years ago

    I can't believe how Paige (who has a comment below) cannot spell! It appears that mutts and pure breeds alike are smarter than she!
    In regard to the artice, I think it is absurd to think that just because you know what type of breed two parents were, that you know the personality of the dog. I had poodles in the past that were pure bred and AKC registered and champions, etc, and they were a bit nuts and I wouldn't trust them with children. You have to get a dog that is suited to your personality and lifestyle (active or sedentary) and whether a dog is pure bred or not has very little to do with it. Unfortunately millions of pure bred dogs and mutts end up being euthanized every year because the humans did not select a dog that was right for their family and lifestyle. It is a tragedy.

  • emily - 16 years ago

    I think that mutts are great for familys, they are very friendly and playful.

  • nora - 16 years ago

    i have a basset beagle mutt named bella and she is the dog anyone could
    want.she dosen't have an additude problem the way purebred dogs do.most people say she's'*huge*.but on wither hieght she's only up to my knee,she accompanies me on long walks.she also runs like wind,that's how she earned her nickname*flash*. aggreewith you juli dogs are not clothes.ihave one more thing, MUTTS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • mark - 16 years ago

    Mutts Rule!!!!!!!

  • mark - 16 years ago

    Mutts Rule!!!!!!!

  • Juli - 16 years ago

    Michele, you're a stupid, selfish twit. Animals are *not* shirts ! They are caring, loyal, feeling, *living* creatures and not items you can purchase, try on for size and return if you decide they don't go with your wardrobe or are no longer in style. I pity any animal that lives with you.
    And it's true, every time you buy from a breeder you *are* killing a dog in a shelter. People just want purebreds so they can show them off as status symbols. These are the people that I would not trust with a houseplant, because all they care about are appearances & their own selfish ego.
    I have taken so many animals in off the streets and they are so grateful, loving and affectionate, that I cannot imagine how people can possibly see them as anything else than members of their own family instead of accessories, like cars clothes, or jewelry that they only want for show. Who cares about a dogs freakin' papers anyway !!! When you fell in love, did you ask to see your prospective spouse's papers ? Do you have papers ? What gives anyone the right to judge on such shallow ridiculous *artificial* standards ?

  • Michele - 16 years ago

    Mutts are perfectly fine, but if someone wants a purebred dog, there is no reason they should have to get a mix. Just like if you want a purple shirt, and you can't find it, and may leave the store, people won't always take a mutt if the purebred of their choice isn't available. I DO rescue, very actively, and I'm sick of the people that guilt, or try to guilt someone into getting something they don't want. Don't those idiots realize that the mutt may not live up to their expectations, and will just be returned to the shelter. Stop trying to take our choices away, and let people get whatever kind of dog they want!!!

  • Trudy - 16 years ago

    ALL of my animals are rescue and not one of them is purebreed. While purebreeds may have some great qualities IF they are bred by responsible breeders too many are NOT!!! There are too many backyard breeders who do not check lineage who do not care about the breed or who their animals go to. They only care about making a dollar. They sell their animals (and that is all they are to them is animals not family members) to people who purchase them on the spur of the moment who know nothing about them. They frequently do not have even the most basic of medical care. I KNOW. I have seen it happen. I talk to the vets who have these puppies who are bought on the side of the road who are brought to them with parvo and wormy. I talk to the rescuers who rescue these purebreeds bred by "responsible" breeders who wind up in shelters because these "responsible" breeders care nothing for the animals after they have their money. A responsible breeder will take the pet back if it doesn't work out. Yes, there are responsible breeders out there but they are too few in the grand scheme of things. These people have waiting lists. I know, my mother has a purchased her Maltese's in her life from a responsible breeder and I have friend who is a Corgi lover who purchased her BABY from a responsible breeder. Rescuers spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of manhours FIXING the problems that irresponsible breeders create. PARADE, in a world where 5-6 MILLION dogs and cats are killed in the United States EVERY YEAR, your article which seems to promoting breeding is irresponsible!

  • Morgan - 16 years ago

    you cant judge a dogs attitude based on papers.
    Papers dont make the dog.
    im an up-and coming dog handler, and will be showing dogs.
    i have nothing wrong with purebreds.
    but those purebreeds are bred for a purpose, without that purpose they can become very destructive.
    there are plenty of mix breed dogs out there looking for a loving home. Many dont even have a problem. Just becouse they were put in the shelter doesnt mean theres anything wrong. Usually the last owner was just misunderstanding of dogs. and didnt expect what they were getting.
    i highly recommend getting a shelter dog.
    the best dogs i ever had were a shelter dog and a rescued puppy mill dog.
    i urge you to look into your nearest shelters pets.

  • kayla gagmo - 16 years ago

    mutts are better because you can rescue them from the streets and aboused households.

  • kayla gagmo - 16 years ago

    mutts are better because you can rescue them from the streets and aboused households.

  • Greg - 16 years ago

    I'm surprised that more people think a purebred dog would make a better pet. Isn't it common knowledge that most purebreds are over bred? With a mutt, there is much less likelihood of the problems caused by overbreeding. As a "dog person" of over 25 years and one whose dogs have been like one of my kids, I must say that I would much prefer a mutt over a purebred. It is certainly a good idea to have some knowledge about the parents of the dog but my dogs have been well-adjusted, healthy and smart and they have lived over 13 years each. If your purpose in having a dog is for show, it might make sense to get a purebred but if it's for a family pet, a mutt is the way to go.

  • Nunya - 16 years ago

    I would have both dogs as pets and see which one is better.

  • Denise - 16 years ago

    Actually, if you really tame your mutt well, it can and will be a good decent family member in no time!

  • Katie - 16 years ago

    I think this is a teribly written article, like said above, they don't use both sides or even say anything about the puppy mills, which are really terible.
    almost as bad as my spelling! Now if you want a well written article use both sides and show ALL the bad things also.

  • noone - 16 years ago

    hi just wanted to drop in and say hi, but i relly think a mutt is better they are more fun and playful then purbeads!! ii have two dogs they are mutts. i love to play with them!!!!

  • Pamela Person - 16 years ago

    Honestly, I love mutts more, but I hate that name "mutts". You should say mixed breeds. Pure breeds are cool, and I like how you can know exactly what it is, but I love my mixed breed Tilly (short for Matilda). So I say mutts.

  • susan - 16 years ago

    Purebreds (particularly some breeds) have such a high incidence of genetic related health problems, it doesn't matter how good the breeder, you are more likely to have big vet bills if you get a purebred. There are many genetic diseases (hip dysplasia, syringomyelia, etc) that only show up as the dog ages. It's simple genetics, inbreeding is not healthy. Mutts are genetically healthier. Just look at all the dogs you know; how many mutts have hip dysplasia? How many mutts have syringomylia? How many mutts have cushings?

  • cuddlebunni - 16 years ago

    i think all animals are great, no matter what kind it is. mutt or pure bread. i have both, hounds and mutts, but the mutts are my fav. they are just so unpredictible. i somewhat agree with what most of the people are saying, to stop the breading, but most people want a pure bread, and if they cant have one, the will not get a dog. So the only thing to do is to only allow so much breading. not 5 to 10 litters for one dog, and then take them off and leave them on the street.

  • Hoss - 16 years ago

    I dont think dogs should be judged like this people like purebread and people like mutts everyone has differnt personallyties, Thank you

  • Donna - 16 years ago

    My heart swells with the knowledge that so many people understand important it is give a dog a wonderful and loving home with good food, medical attention when needed and keep them happy and healthy. Let's not forget that while they are family members, they are psychologically different from humans and you have to cater to their psyche. It's not hard. Like Cesar says, they need exercise (most people lack in this department), discipline and love. It's amazing the difference it makes for me and you and your family. Purebreed or mutt, all dogs need this. My vote is for mutts since there are so many in shelters needing homes. Thanks.

  • brianna - 16 years ago

    Every body always thinks purebread are better its no fair And i dont like how people call them utts! I call them mixed breeds!

  • Katie - 16 years ago

    I have both purebred and mix.. I love them both and see nothing wrong with wanting a purebred. But here is my thing about them mix breeds I feel are by far more healthy then the purebreds. The breeders are trying to breed all of this out of them but only make it worse.. I use to work for a vet and I am now a dog groomer and I see more mix breeds that are healthy as a horse up into there teens and the purebreds look like they have been to h%ll and back by the time they are 10 or so..I have one purebred that I found as a stray and one I adopted from a lady so I guess all I have to say is just adopt them at least...

  • chinosmom - 16 years ago

    I say purebreed because like the article said they have been bred for certain qualities attitude being one. You wouldn't get a dog known for not being good with children if you have children; a dog that doesn't like to be alone if you work alot; or a dog that going to be 100 pounds and you live in a tiny apartment. Getting a mutt might be just that! I bought my purebreed from the pound instead of a breeder and I was able to write off his adoption fees on my taxes.

  • Nora Dunn - 16 years ago

    "Pure" bred dogs are not fool proof, as you seem to claim. Many come from puppy farms that are dirty and cramped, and are shipped to pet stores in cargo. Many breeds are over bred and inbred, creating dogs that are high strung and had to train. Unless you go to a farm and know the breeder, you don't necessarily have a reliable history. You will never know the history of a pure bred dog you adopt. Mixed breeds are have more distinctive personalities, unlike the predictable personalities of "pure" dogs. I prefer designer clothes to designer dogs.

  • Animal Lover - 16 years ago

    The pet overpopulation is truly disturbing. We all need to work in our own communities to enact legislation and enforcement against animal neglect, abuse, and abandonment. I volunteer at several different animal organizations and no matter how much we try to take in the animals off of the street, especially dogs in my area, there are 50-100 or more still on the streets, suffering, starving, being mistreated, and dying a slow painful death. No matter what your position on mutts/purebreds, it just doesn't matter. Our society is just not humane and more people need to step up and be their voice.

    I love that there are so many true animal lovers that have resonded - you are wondeful!

  • Ann Carmichael - 16 years ago

    Please remind your readers that breed rescue groups are an excellent way to obtain a purebred dog--often at a very low or even no cost. It allows you to select a breed that is well suited for you and your family/living situation, while also saving a life. I have two Pembroke Welsh Corgis, both of which are rescue dogs. I got the breed I love, both at no cost to me, and saved two lives. They are both wonderful!

  • Carol - 16 years ago

    The real problem is Animal Rights! They have an agenda - just ask PeTA and H$U$ - and it is NOT animal welfare. It IS to separate humans from the rest of the animal world!
    They want ALL domestic animals EXTINCT!!!!

    Think about that the next time you're thinking!!!!! PLEASE - - - THINK, for a change!

  • Animal Lover - 16 years ago

    Hey - -
    You who are against breeders - think about this!!!:

    WHY should ANYone have a baby while there are still babies in orphanages around the world????? We should castrate or hysterectomy all kids so we don't have to worry about them getting pregnant as teens or getting someone else pregnant. We also wouldn't have the number of rapists! Just think - - all the children would have homes and families!

  • Jan Johnson - 16 years ago

    Mutts VS. Purebreds. I have had both. Personally I prefer to adopt shelter or rescue dogs, where with a little time and energy you can find almost anything you want. This is my preference due to my research regarding the vast number of unwanted animals that are mostly euthanized . Breeders certainly have a place, but they need to be responsible breeders. THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING JUST A BREEDER AND BEING A RESPONSIBLE BREEDER. The biggest problem lies with puppy mills. Pet store dogs (cats), and internet purchases can be the absolute worst choice possible. The vast majority are animals from puppy mills and we all know how horrific those are. The pet store may not even be aware of this. Internet ads certainly have many legitimate breeders but many are fronts for puppy mills so don't just rely on their ads and what they say by phone. You MUST do your homework, ie: word of mouth, other owners, breeders in your own community where you can go and check it out. AKC sites, , breed specific clubs and don't forget to check on the breed specific rescue sites. They are also great resources. (Example- There are animals from all over the country listed. All age dogs, specific breeds, breed combinations or mutts and often times there is great information on them from their foster care people. If you are interested in any dog, be it a specific breed or a mutt, please check out this site. There are all ages and many are trained. Puppies are adorable but maybe your lifestyle would match better with a little older animal who has been through the terrible two's. Also if you are interested in a cat, rabbit. horse, etc., this is a good place to start. You can also learn about the breeds on this site to make sure which ones are right for you, or maybe a combo breed. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!! Thank you for this forum.

    Perhaps you can list a few reputable breeders for those looking for that new, and specific, puppy.

    Jan Johnson

  • Gail Guenther - 16 years ago

    There is no such thing as a "responsible breeder." It is just plain cruel to deliberately bring as many new dogs into the world as possible (for profit) when almost 10,000 shelter animals a day are euthanized due to overpopulation. Please don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die! By the way, I have a purebred from the SPCA and previously owned two purebreds from a breed-specific rescue organization. I have also had a mutt from the SPCA, so I am not biased toward either purebreds or mutts; I just don't believe that's the important issue.

  • Marilyn Young - 16 years ago

    I thought the article was well written & very balanced. I have found people seem to have fewer health problems with mutts than with purebreds. Certain breeds are even known to have specific problems, ie. hip displacia, skin problems, food allergies, just to name a few. I do believe all dogs deserve a chance to live a full life rather than being euthanized because no one adopted them, purebred or mutt.

  • Marilyn Young - 16 years ago

    I thought the article was well written & very balanced. I have found people seem to have fewer health problems with mutts than with purebreds. Certain breeds are even known to have specific problems, ie. hip displacia, skin problems, food allergies, just to name a few. I do believe all dogs deserve a chance to live a full life rather than being euthanized because no one adopted them, purebred or mutt.

  • Brenda - 16 years ago

    As a "foster" mom for a local rescue service. I had both. I found purebreds more temperamental and spoiled. Mutts seemed to be SO HAPPY to be loved. However, all of the dogs after spending time in a shelter(even the most clean & well cared for) seemed needy for attention, food and water maybe because of the competition from others. My brother ALWAYS had pedigreed huskies and they were the most intelligent AND BRATTY dogs I have ever seen..ditto on other purebreds I have been with. I'll take a mixed mutt any day. Many times the purebred are so "inbred" they seemed to develop the negatives of their breed.

  • Monique - 16 years ago

    Speaking as a loving caretaker of several Persian, Himalayan, Angora and other "purebred" cats, all of whom were lovingly adopted from my local animal shelter after some ignoramus paid $$$ for them and then dumped them, there's no reason to patronize breeders. NONE. Breeders don't care what happens to the animal after the check clears (or the credit card is approved).

    Case in point: My in-laws, obviously incredibly stupid rich people, lied to me and my husband that they would let us know when they wanted to adopt a dog and let us help them through shelters. Instead, they went to an expensive breeder, "ordered" a Yellow Lab puppy which, in my experience, isn't a rare breed (plus I didn't know animal pimping was legal), and after 3 years it died from a congenital illness.

    BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE: Guess what those geniuses did then? They went back to the same breeder and "ordered" another puppy to be pimped from the same 2 dogs as their previous dog.

    My point is, my adopted cats are as beautiful, loving, and loved in return as any I could have bought from a breeder. Yes, I have a preference for fancy, long-haired cats, but that's part of my Leo personality. At least I have the good sense to save animals that others abandon rather than pay some immoral breeder to make more animals when so many go unwanted.

  • Ned - 16 years ago

    Emily is a moron.

  • Bipasha Basu - 16 years ago

    It sickens me that people are so tied to status and are so completely ignorant of the plight of the millions of homeless, unwanted animals out there. How anyone could pay a breeder for a purbred when there are so many desperately needy dogs out there in shelters and rescue groups is completely beyond me. I hope there is a special place in animal hell for these ignorant, selfish people.

  • darlene osullivan - 16 years ago


  • California Girl - 16 years ago

    We all love our pets. Let's quit bashing breeders and remember that muts or purebreds they all carry the same genes in one pattern or another and hy-bred vigor does not always work as we would wish. If everything is altered where will your next pet come from? Not everyone can live with a puppy whose coat characteristics are not apparent until they are adults, nor can some people tollerate a rambunctious dog; thus the grab bag of mutts does not suit everyone. But here's to hoping all pets will have a good responsible home and the various factions can learn to respect each other and quit trying to stuff their agendas upon the rest of us. There was a time when all people's beliefs were respected in this country.......... what's happening to us?

  • Linda H - 16 years ago

    One thing that should be pointed out regarding the people who report their adopted purebreds have health problems and other issues. In most cases these are not well-bred purebreds because good breeders place their puppies carefully, mentor new owners, and take dogs they bred back if the owner can't keep it (this is usually written into their contracts). I agree that poorly-bred purebreds (from some commercial breeders, puppy mills, or pet owners who breed their pet to any available dog of the same breed) are more likely to have problems than mixed-breeds, but well-bred purebreds are as healthy as mixes. This doesn't mean they can't have health problems, but so can mixes. My first shelter mix had a serious hereditary disease and died young, and I've known other mixes with bad hip dysplasia and other disorders. People who write about the hereditary disorders of pure-breds and imply mixes don't have hereditary problems are misinforming the public.

  • Bobbie - 16 years ago

    Who says it has to be a puppy? I rescue dogs and I have 9. Two of those are purebreds and they have issues. The other 7 are mutts and very well adjusted. While not all purebreds have issues, you cannot rely on them being good dogs just because their parents were. There is a overpopulation of pets and if you adopt from the shelter or rescue they are already spayed and neutered, which in turn helps control the population. Dogs are also tested with other dogs cats and children. Breeders are making money from dogs, I am spending my money because of other peoples mistakes. For us there is no choice as long as dogs are dying in shelters I will adopt as many as I can handle. So-called "responsible breeders" should find another way to make money until the pet problems are solved.

  • Rhonda - 16 years ago

    I have adopted a couple of both - the mutt's have always been the healthiest and happiest dogs. My stray is the sweetest and most well behaved of them all. I think the kindest of people bring those that really need homes into their family and feel as though they have made an adoption verses having bought something (like a trophy).

  • george - 16 years ago

    I'll take a mutt over a purebred, any purebred, anytime. I've discovered in life that dogs are a lot like people, and I prefer to hang out with "mutt" people to "purebred" people.

  • Jeni - 16 years ago

    A dog is a dog, purebred or mutt. You love them just the same, as they will love you unconditionally, they don't know they are a purebred or mutt. It's really up to the pet owner as to which they prefer. Without knowing the lineage of the dog, it is harder on an owner of a mutt-but being a mutt/rescue dog owner I wouldn't have it any other way and know that I may have things to deal with later in life. But that is my choice, just like it is another persons choice to choose a pure breed dog. Either way, there are still dogs that are abandoned by people who should never own a pet, or aren't responsible enough to get them spayed/neutered, so as an animal loving person, I try to volunteer at rescue facilities as much as I can.

  • Linda H - 16 years ago

    It's a silly question. Llike the nature/nurture controversy, the answer isn't mutts or purebreds, but both. Mutts and purebreds both make wonderful pets. A better question would be where are you most likely to get a good pet. I think the answer is a well-bred purebred from a good breeder because you have a beeter chance of getting a dog that will match your life-style and personality, and a puppy that has had the best start in life - in both nutrition and socialization. What happens in a dog's first few months, most of which are with the breeder, does influence that puppy's ability to develop to its full potential. Why do you think guide dog schools mostly breed their own puppies and give a lot of attention to how they are raised? BTW, paw size is not always a good predictory of adult size. My first dog was a all-American mutt from a shelter who turned out to have serious genetic problems. Since then I've had pure-breds from good breeders. One had health problems - the others have been healthy. All have been great friends (except the shelter mutt, who died as a puppy). Unfortunately, less than 10% of your dog population comes from hobby breeders, and that percentage is going down with laws like mandatory spay/neuter, unreasonable limit laws, huge license fees for keeping unaltered dogs, and other ordinances that hurt responsible breeders more than anyone else. Shelter populations and euthanasias have been dropping steadily for the last 25 years, in spite of an increase in the human and pet population. We are actually very near a situation in which no healthy dogs of good temperament need be euthanized. In the long run, where do we want our pets to come from - dog lovers who breed carefully for the love of their animals, who spend thousands of hours studying dogs, behavior, animal husbandry, etc. and hundreds of hours with each litter, who place puppies with care and mentor new owners, who screen breeding stock for genetic diseases, and take dogs they bred back at any age if their new owners can't keep them - or irresponsible dog owners who don't spay their pets and don't protect them when they are in heat, who give minimal care and dump their puppies in shelters or sell them at flea markets or through newspapers to anyone with the money. I know my answer. I want more good breeders, not fewer, but that won't happen if we legislate them to the point where is is almost impossible for law-abiding breeders to pursue the hobby they love. I've even heard HSUS reps say they are not part of the problem.

  • Mel - 16 years ago

    Kitty wrote: "Stop the breeding and end this sad situation. I feel that most breeders and all pet stores care about money not the animals."

    OK, say you stopped ALL dog breeding tomorrow. Most female dogs have a finite reproductive lifespan of just a few years. The reproductive window for males is somewhat longer.

    If you stopped all breeding, then in less than a decade you'd be looking at a future with NO DOGS - PERIOD!

    Is that what you want? Extinction?

  • Nick - 16 years ago

    I'm shocked at what I'm reading in these posts. Some people on this site seem to think that the love of the pure bred dog hurts rescue and shelter work. Go figure. It is sad that so many people don't know the dirty truth behind the animal shelter story. The ignorance about pure bred genetics and health is also disturbing. Or is it ignorance?

    AKC-affiliated Rescues are far more reputable and it isn't show breeders who supply those particular dogs. Rather, the love of the pure bred dog has driven the goal of saving those pure bred dogs that are victims of misfortune, accidents, or just plain bad luck. The whole show breeder community is designed around responsible breeding practices and ensuring that these beloved pure breds live long full lives in a happy home.

    In sharp contrast, a lot of the community's most beloved shelters are importing unbelievable numbers of dogs from Mexico and South America in order to meet their demand. They're shipped through distribution centers and between shelters. Anything that doesn't get sold fast enough to make a buck, is quickly killed or transferred to another shelter that may want to sell that particular type of dog. To bolster statistics and the over-population myth, they are counted each and every time they are moved. All euthanized dogs are lumped into one category, making it seem as if there is an epidemic. Shelter advocates helped make the rules for reporting, so they made the rules so they could hide the truth behind their dirty work.

    Of course, there are good ones, but there are way too many offenders. It also explains why shelters have lots of attorneys and lobbyists at the state capitol trying to get animal rights laws on the books. They also spread lies about pure breds; however, they're the first to auction and lottery a pure bred if a pure bred finds its way into the system. Follow the money and political motive!

    Know that pure breds are on average much healthier because they are intended to be bred for temperament and health. AKC-breeders also health-test in an effort to remove genetic faults in future generations. No matter how lovable and cute they may be, Mutts have a virtual "pea soup" for genetics and no one tracks their diseases. So the myth that they are healthier is simply false. It is more propaganda spread by animal rights groups and shelters.

  • Nick - 16 years ago

    I'm shocked at what I'm reading in these posts. Some people on this site seem to think that the love of the pure bred dog hurts rescue and shelter work. Go figure. It is sad that so many people don't know the dirty truth behind the animal shelter story. The ignorance about pure bred genetics and health is also disturbing. Or is it ignorance?

    AKC-affiliated Rescues are far more reputable and it isn't show breeders who supply those particular dogs. Rather, the love of the pure bred dog has driven the goal of saving those pure bred dogs that are victims of misfortune, accidents, or just plain bad luck. The whole show breeder community is designed around responsible breeding practices and ensuring that these beloved pure breds live long full lives in a happy home.

    In sharp contrast, a lot of the community's most beloved shelters are importing unbelievable numbers of dogs from Mexico and South America in order to meet their demand. They're shipped through distribution centers and between shelters. Anything that doesn't get sold fast enough to make a buck, is quickly killed or transferred to another shelter that may want to sell that particular type of dog. To bolster statistics and the over-population myth, they are counted each and every time they are moved. All euthanized dogs are lumped into one category, making it seem as if there is an epidemic. Shelter advocates helped make the rules for reporting, so they made the rules so they could hide the truth behind their dirty work.

    Of course, there are good ones, but there are way too many offenders. It also explains why shelters have lots of attorneys and lobbyists at the state capitol trying to get animal rights laws on the books. They also spread lies about pure breds; however, they're the first to auction and lottery a pure bred if a pure bred finds its way into the system. Follow the money and political motive!

    Know that pure breds are on average much healthier because they are intended to be bred for temperament and health. AKC-breeders also health-test in an effort to remove genetic faults in future generations. No matter how lovable and cute they may be, Mutts have a virtual "pea soup" for genetics and no one tracks their diseases. So the myth that they are healthier is simply false. It is more propaganda spread by animal rights groups and shelters.

  • Kriste Duff - 16 years ago

    Always Adopt.. Dont shop !!! There are too many dogs out there sitting in the shelter that need a home. Why bring more dogs into this world, when too many out there are put down each year. ADOPTION is the only way to go !

  • Larry - 16 years ago

    I agree there are plus and minus in this matter. From my standpoint having a pure bred dog is the best case. Quite simply you have a better idea about what you are getting both behaviorally and healthwise.

    Granted I feel sorry for all dogs that face adoption issues but I'll let folks that have time for another project (which I don't) take the mutts.

    Another point is I like to see what breeding will do for a breed - little hard to do with mutts.

    This may sound a little cold but I don't want to be caught with a new breed (mixed) wondering what to do with the litter hoping I can find a home for pups. Controlled breeding in most cases handles this issue.

    I see the phrase 'puppy mill' being tossed around ... if there was not a market for the product of these businesses they would not be in business. Businesses that breed pet cats and dogs are not bad people just becasue they breed to satisfy a market. I do not, however, applaud treating the animals badly nor are all such businesses bad becasue some of them are bad. Remember sales drive the market. When the sales go away the business will dry up.

  • John W Locke - 16 years ago

    When I read the figures on the animals killed each year in the shelters it sickens me. It just doesn't seem right that all those dogs die while so many people are breeding these so called pure breads. We sure are an affluent society. It seems like in the last 5 years or so I have seen more new kinds of dogs than I have in my whole life. Do the dog breeders think of them....The ones that have to die.....

  • Kathy - 16 years ago

    As a volunteer at a no-kill animal shelter, I find it puzzling why so many people "need" a purebred dog from a breeder or, worse yet, a pet store (*shudder*), when there are so many dogs, purebred or otherwise, available at an animal shelter or purebred rescue. If people realized how many dogs, through no fault of their own many times, languish in shelters, with millions being euthanized every year, they'd think twice about paying the ridiculous price for a breeder or pet store dog. Too many times vanity wins over compassion.

    Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die.

  • Lisa - 16 years ago

    I am very surprised to see that the votes for purebred jumped so high so fast. It looks like this poll must have been circulated in the breeding clubs/organizations and hunting clubs because when I first saw this poll the number was much higher for mutts, as it should be.
    I am glad someone pointed out that there are purebreds in shelters and rescues. There is no excuse for buying or breeding. Adoption is the way to go.

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