Do you agree with the federal judge’s decision to strike down Montana’s gay marriage ban?


  • D - 10 years ago

    God have mercy on us!

  • GG - 10 years ago

    Here is the way this works: state makes a law, citizen says this law is bullshit, citizen takes state to court and judge says you are right good citizen, this law violates a preemptive law of the United States. State says hey judge, you're wrong so the judge says let's go ask the SCOTUS. This is where we are at now. There is a small slice of the American legal system at work for you.

  • Todd - 10 years ago

    Love is love. Why should gender have any affect on that? Loving someone is not an "agenda." It's just love, plain simple. I can't understand why this is a question. All couples who are in love should have the option to have a big snazzy wedding and be happy together forever!

  • Henry Jones - 10 years ago

    Published data per the CDC puts the actual (not the perceived) gay population at 1.6%. What I have a real problem with is the media driven agenda, congratulations. We are on the brink in so many different areas
    and this subject deserves multiple Hindenburg disaster headline BOLD TYPE ?
    PLEASE enough !

  • Kathy Fitzgerald - 10 years ago

    People live their lives the way they want but as far as same sex marriage??? God created man and woman and that marriage is between and man and woman. I believe it a sin to have it otherwise.

  • Andrew - 10 years ago

    This isn't hurting anyone, so why the heck not?

  • Peggy - 10 years ago

    Gay, straight, whatever, people are going to love someone. If that someone is of the same sex, it makes no difference to me. If gays want to face the same legal responsibilities that heterosexuals do to get married (or divorced), it's likely to be more a considered decision than a simple lifestyle choice.

  • kieran pendragon - 10 years ago

    I honestly have nothing against gays and lesbians..... live and let live as they say, but like christians, they need to STOP craming thier lifestyles into every little thing and accept that most folks here in montana simply dont believe theyre lifestyle is normal!

  • Kate - 10 years ago

    The people of Montana overwhelmingly voted to define marriage as between a man and a woman. Why can one judge over rule the voters? There are many legal ways to protect those type of alliances. Just because its a law doesn't mean it right!

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