Grade Laurel's death episode of 'Arrow':


  • Roderick Wright - 7 years ago

    I thought Laurel's death was complete and utter crap. I actually would have had no problem with Laurel's death had it made sense. The doctor that operated on her she was in recovery according to the doctors she would make a full recovery. she was not in ICU. She was not in critical condition. Doctors have test they do and x-rays and scans where they can tell if there's something wrong. Obviously they did their job and she was going to recover. This wasn't a shock factor of any kind this was a BS situation. You don't just up and die for no reason. Which is what Laurel did according to all the evidence presented in the actual episode. I no longer watch Green Arrow because of that episode I know that plenty of others don't as well to include several personal friends of mine. This is absolutely nothing to do with whether she died or not it's how the writers portrayed her death happening. If she had been in ICU if she had been in critical condition if she had been iffy in surviving then it wouldn't have been such a big deal and that would have been at and I would have continued to watch the show period but you don't just up and died for no reason after the doctors give you a clean bill of health. That is what got me and that is why I will never watch another episode of Green Arrow again. The writers need to get their s*** together. Don't want to me watching the show when all the sudden another of the main characters just dropped dead for no reason. It's sort of an anti-climax. You got to have some sense of continuity and reasoning behind why things happen.

  • Jennifer - 7 years ago

    Killing off Laurel was pure stupidity, the Arrow and Laurel Lance relationship was a sacred part of the comic, it's like Superman without Lois Lane. I think this is the beginning of the end for the tv show I know I won't be watching.

  • Olivia - 8 years ago

    I didn't like this because when she was starting to be great and awesome and then she dies

  • Olivia - 8 years ago

    I didn't like this because when she was starting to be great and awesome and then she dies

  • Jackie - 8 years ago

    The continuous on and off relationship between black canary and green arrow is CLASSIC. I'll admit I much prefered Sara's Black Canary, but I feel like just as Laurel's was becoming better, they kill her. I couldnt be more pissed about a character's death honestly. What is Green Arrow without Black Canary? I like Felicity, Diggle, Thea... but Black Canary is a MUST, especially when looking at the comics. Could have killed off anyone else, but noooo. The least you could have done was have her character leave town or something. Jerks.

  • Theresa - 8 years ago

    I can't believe they'd kill laurel off and stray so far from the comic!! They could have done so much with her character, as black canary and a lawyer!! What were the writers thinking! I'd have been happy if they killed felicity off! I agree with the above comments that felicity and Oliver make a horrible couple, she's pissed at him no matter what he does! It was always supposed to be laurel and Oliver! I'm just hoping this is all part of a brilliant plan for laurel to have an amazing come back, I'll give them a season to bring her back, if they don't, I won't watch anymore...plenty of other super hero shows that don't go completely rogue from the comics! BS

  • May Bas - 8 years ago

    The Arrow was so exciting before when it was still Oliver and Laurel as a couple its romantic but then when Oliver had so many women linked to him it became like roller coaster especially when he's with felicity it became more unrealistic and boring. they dont click together I dont fell any excitement with the two of them together. But then I still watch it because of Laurel , now that Laurel was gone I dont feel like watching it anymore. Anyway . good luck to your show , it got boring without Laurel there.

  • May Bas - 8 years ago

    The Arrow was so exciting before when it was still Oliver and Laurel as a couple its romantic but then when Oliver had so many women linked to him it became like roller coaster especially when he's with felicity it became more unrealistic and boring. they dont click together I dont fell any excitement with the two of them together. But then I still watch it because of Laurel , now that Laurel was gone I dont feel like watching it anymore. Anyway . good luck to your show , it got boring without Laurel there.

  • May Bas - 8 years ago

    I felt bad when laurel died on this episode . Laurel and Oliver had a great connection compared to felicity . I dont like felicity as olivers love interest they dont have any chemistry at all. Laurel is much better and exciting charactter than felicity. I'm not a fan of felicity and oliver. that's why theres time that I dont watch Arrow anymore.

  • jennifer - 8 years ago

    Bad idea ever ,There were more connection between Olivier and Laurel then Felicity could put together.Its so sad that you guys couldnt even see that.Felicity and Oliver have no emotion together ,they were weird as a couple all through the show .The show has gone down big time.

  • Ashlee - 8 years ago

    I'm so glad they killed her off, she's always been my least favorite character. I just watched the last several episodes, and I'm glad I did, maybe I'll continue to watch it now.

  • Rafael perez - 8 years ago

    I personally think that killing off laurel is a peculiar yet exceptional decision but to give you an idea for a possible future you should have this new girl as the black canary and then in season 5 have laurel come back and then there's a rivalry between them and you can also have the new girl fall in love with Oliver and have another rivalry between them there it's just an idea of something that would be really interesting to watch

  • Silas Crawford - 8 years ago

    This is very disrespectful to the comics and I think they put the show in jeapordy. The Arrow tv show has screwed everything up in my opinion . Ra is did (false ) and black canary is dead ( she is married to the green arrow in the comics wth) . I don't see this show lasting another season huge fail

  • Shannon A Altman - 8 years ago

    Get over it something big had to happen ...

  • Sneaks - 8 years ago

    Why would you kill off Laurel? I was just starting to like her character and her becoming a vigilante wasn't entirely convincing, I still liked her better than Felicity. I hate Felicity and Oliver together. It just gets boring. I literally skip over those scenes. Oliver does something and Felicity gets irrationally angry. I preferred Laurel or Sarah with Oliver. At least they understood the whole vigilante thing and Felicity just gets mad at everything he does even if it is to save someone. That whole thing where he went to Ra's Al Ghul to fight him and make sure Ra's doesn't go after Thea was so annoying. She got mad he left and she got mad when he came back. How is he supposed to control that? Also the whole thing when she found out he had a son?? Annoying. I like Oliver even though sometimes he pisses me off, but I prefer him alone than with Felicity. At least Laurel should live, she doesn't even have to be with him. Can't she find someone else with the whole "love triangle?" It's been awhile. I'm pretty sure they could get her a new love interest and she can love that guy too! Or be alone. Whichever way. Felicity to me is like Iris in the Flash. But at least Felicity is useful, but I did like her in the beginning when she had her crush on Oliver. Now, she's just annoying.

  • Arrow Sucjs - 8 years ago

    It took a lot to keep arrow on my Dvr all theses years and now I can finally let it go. That was the worst way to send a main character off that I have ever seen. I was disappointed in the writing previously but this took it to a whole new level. The only show I watch in CW will be Flash until they ruin that and then I'm gone. There was no connection at the ending and it left me with more disdain than I have ever had for any show. Their character development transcends horrible. I'm done #ByeArrow

  • Peter - 8 years ago

    I think the scene was done really well,just don't understand why we didn't get to hear what she said when Oliver promised something to her. I don't think you should of killed Laurel off her and Oliver should have finally ended up together they were child hood sweethearts who went through big things in both there lives and still come out the other sides close etcetcetc, it would have been better for them to end up together down the line.............I LOVE U LAUREL

  • Micaela PiƱeyro - 8 years ago

    This was disrespectful for Laurel, for Katie (she found out like two weeks before shooting this) and women all over. She died for what? So writers who have zero ideas left could have something to work around for like two episodes? So that she could give her blessing to two peoole (that frankly we just don't care anymore. Put them together don't put them together, just let me have screentime with strong women who don't need to be the hot guy's love interest to have writers do a good job writing their characters) to be together? She died for manpain. So Diggle could feel guilt. So Oliver could be the one to support them all. She died helpless. Not being a hero, but because someone wanted to make some man in her life pay. This is everything that's wrong with tv right now. Please, hire people who know how to write for beautiful, strong, sassy, independant, resourceful women. Sorry, but bye Arrow.

  • The Dude - 8 years ago

    Laurel sucks...the canary cry was a horrible sound. Her as a vigilante wasn't very believable anyway. If they want her back so bad, can't they just throw her in the Lazarus pit like everyone else on this show?

  • mel - 8 years ago

    Awesome death scene. I was so deeply sad for Capt. Lance, imagine his both daughters died and the other one risen. There is a possibility that Laurel will back to life too. Pls. bring back Laurel.

  • David C - 8 years ago

    Had she just Died from the Arrow the ending would have better, but the fact she came out of Surgery and appeared to be in recovery was just weird. Especially when she had something to say to Oliver and they panned away so you could not hear it? Really makes you think she is not really dead?? Just kind of dumb if they are really killing her off. Just my 2 Cents..

  • Dr. Rock - 8 years ago

    Katie Cassidy (Black Canary/Laurel Lance) has been so fantastic in this role! I agree with her interview comments that her character's arc was well-written. She had both a strong presence as an actor, and it was fun to watch her in action scenes as Black Canary. I'll definitely miss her on Arrow. Maybe the Flash can bring Black Siren from Earth 2 so she can freak out Hive (especially Damien Dark) into thinking Black Canary has come back from the dead. But then after defeating Dark she would return to Earth 2. I also look forward to seeing the Flash episodes with Black Siren and the Arrow flash backs with Laurel. Plus it has to be said Katie Cassidy is super hot looking too! I've been a fan of hers since she played "Ruby" on Supernatural.

  • David - 8 years ago

    tbh that was probably the most disapointing thing you guys could have done to your fans, Laurel always kept the show a little bright since "The Arrow" is sable all the time anyway, so was it really necessary killing her off? I honestly don't think so !
    Furthermore it'd be so damn easy getting her back for the show (maybe her "death" is just part of a plan by ollie and her - remember them talking and her asking ollie for some sort of promise? - to let Darhk think he finally broke the Green Arrow), it is just one of many possibilities of putting her back in position. So pleeeease please please reconsider if Black Canary's death really has a posiive influence on the further actions taking place in the show ... To sum up I consider Laurel's death to be cold-blooded and heartlee, especially under all these circumstances (her father not being able to be at her side or saying goodbye; the fact that she and Oliver fit together way better, I mean c'mon, who the f*** needs felicity ?! Kill her off - no hate against Emily ! ; And also, now that Laurel revealed that she always loved Oliver and he is an always will be the love of her life - OMG this was so heartwarming and sad, it almost made me cry - how the hell could you guys do that ????????)
    So again, I beg you to reconsider this whole Laurel being dead twist, it might not have been such a good decision as you think ...

  • oliver queen - 8 years ago

    I'm sorry Jeff Kowalski she's not coming back. NEVER!! It is better for Arrow

  • Jeff Kowalski - 8 years ago

    I LOVE Laurel!!! Bring Laurel back!!!

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