Would you support toll roads around Nashville to help reduce traffic congestion?


  • Roger medford - 7 years ago

    In Tennessee we are already over taxed!! Deal with the traffic

  • Virgil - 7 years ago

    Just another way for the political big wigs to take more money out of the hard working people's pockets. What we need to do is start hiring personnel who can look down the road and come up with a long range plan for future road construction. Nashville wants so bad to be the "IT" city. Don't see that happening. This is a problem that our planners in the past should have planned for. I bet if you stop 10 cars on the road today, half will not have a valid drivers license or insurance. Law Enforcement cannot control this issue any more
    you stop them cite them into court, then some liberal judge lets them go, cause they are hard working people and the officer should not have stopped them. I don't need to get started on the judges. Just need to stop ranting. The problem is here and now we must deal with it. Roll Tide.

  • Lisa - 7 years ago

    How can cars stopping to pay fees help traffic congestion? If congestion isn't on a particular toll road, it will be on the alternate route. That just doesn't make any sense. Neither does that idea of having some sort of trolley going down the main routes to town. Do the people who make up these ideas even get out of the house?

  • Steve T - 7 years ago

    I think toll roads are prohibited in the Tennessee constitution.

  • Andrew - 7 years ago

    How about they time the traffic lights better or at all? Educate the drivers on green means go and red means stop, make them do at least the speed limit and get to it quickly. Make driver's licenses harder to get. People just wander around this town with no sense of destination and are a major part of why traffic is so bad.

  • Virgil - 7 years ago

    No way. They only want more money to fund boondoggles like Mayor Barry's 5.2 billion dollar fantasy rail system that is not needed or wanted by the people of Nashville. There are much more important ways for these clueless politicians to spend our hard earned dollars.

  • Dennis - 7 years ago

    NO! It becomes another political ploy to squeeze more money from taxpayers. Look what has happened in Houston, TX. When the Toll Road idea was presented, it was promised that when the road was paid off, it would become free. All of the Toll Roads have been paid of for years, and they continue to charge for them. Toll Roads do nothing but become cash cows for whomever owns them. Look at this article from 2012: http://abc13.com/archive/8671067/

  • Stephanie - 7 years ago

    No, that's what the ever increasing cost of property tax in Davidson County and the dang gas tax hike not to mention the rediculous hotel tax is for!!! Davidson County needs to figure out a way to live within their means.

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